<humour> What should the punishment for cheating be!
A swift kick in the danglies.
they should be enslaved to tinyk for the rest of their life.
Nothing like a good bout of public humiliation. Bring back the stocks I say, hang a sign on his neck and cover him in honey. Nothing like a firm hand in these matters. In my day you would have been whipped to within an inch of your life. And that was just for answering back. Aye, kids nowadays don't know how lucky they are . . . .
#7 - Krane
Quote from Captain Slow :they should be enslaved to tinyk for the rest of their life.

How exactly that is a "punishment"?
She makes you run around in a pink bunny suit, so just think about that first...

#9 - Gunn
Beat them to death with a tea spoon. I know it seems timid at first, but after twenty-seven hours of punishment they'll wish you had used the dessert fork and ended it quickly.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Gather up the cheaters, grab a bunch of shotguns, get your friends, and give them the shotguns... and BAM

Though you'd get charged for murder, but **** that!
make them drink warm beer
#13 - Jakg
strap their testicles to the back of an XFG with the nos mod, and then strap their body to another XFG with the nos mod

not only does this provide an ironic punishment, it also stops the world being infested with cheating spawn!

remember, surprise is our best weapon as... :inq:
Quote from Krane :How exactly that is a "punishment"?

Captain Slow wants some punishment.
No, thats too easy, want to humiliate them a lot, and then tar and feather them, then make them run 10 miles, then do hours of long jump, and then swim for like 4 KM, and throw long sticks, and cannon balls. Then we have the olympics, done by 10 people...
Quote from Bob Smith :Captain Slow wants some punishment.

Obviously Bob feels left out, and he wants some too...


Quote from herki :make them drink warm beer

Or worse, American Beer... :P

P.S. I am such a spammer, I get the "You must wait 60 seconds between posts" so bloody often, it pisses me off.
Cheaters should be sent to Thailand, and get a platisc surgery, with a penis in the forehead.
Make the get an erection.
Brake the penis off, and beat them to dead with the wet end !
Just be careful, Tinyk (according to her) is named George with a deep trucker voice. Which would explain her driving. All over the road, honking at everyone, stopping at every store in South city going "Food!, YAAY!!". Then theres the whole obsession with pink...
o... k...

george eh?
I'd say a nice gentle demoralizing would do the trick. Three months in a basement, no sunlight, head shaved and naked, only dog food to eat and occasional rain water to keep 'em from dehydrating.

No need for violence, it's only life.
Quote from Cropsy :Yeah, force them to spend an hour or two on teamspeak with Franky500.

I keep using the excuse about TS bugging LFS out. But cropsy knows the truth
TSwise, I just swear my head off. Thank god their isn't a swear filter. (j/k)
Quote from shaGuar :Cheaters should be sent to Thailand, and get a platisc surgery, with a penis in the forehead.
Make the get an erection.
Brake the penis off, and beat them to deat with the wet end !

Or choke them with it!