The online racing simulator
Steering Wheel gear shifting problem
Hello everyone!

2 days ago I bought my first steering wheel. (Logitech G920)
The first day I played LFS with it, I used manual gear shifting.
It was pretty hard for me as a beginner, so I set my gear shifting to automatic.

But since then I have a problem with my car, It won't shift up!
And when I change gear by myself, the car goes like 50 km/h..

It's kinda hard to explain, so here is a video:

In the video I am going full gas.

Hopefully someone can help me out!!

Kind regards,
Looks like a burned clutch maybe or wrong gear setup maybe upload a spr so we can see what is happening.
Here is the SPR.
You can see that the car won't shift up, but I set gearbox to automatic.
Attached files
Car won't shift up.spr - 2.9 KB - 137 views
Weird, can't replicate this, even if i try to test drive from your replay, the automatic shifting works just fine.

While this isn't the answer you're looking for, but i'd definitely recommend shifting manually either way, with the paddles it's not that hard after a bit of practice and it gives you far more car control, consequently making you drive faster.
Attached files
Test Drive_BL1_XFG.spr - 6.7 KB - 142 views
Go in options/driver and set sequential shifter, then enable auto-clutch and it should work fine.
Quote from rane_nbg :Go in options/driver and set sequential shifter, then enable auto-clutch and it should work fine.

that option's not there when you're on auto Smile

i just tested it with a G29 again as opposed to m+k earlier and automatic shifting behaves as expected
Quote from RC-Maus :Looks like a burned clutch maybe or wrong gear setup maybe upload a spr so we can see what is happening.

My thoughts as well, i also noticed this. If the clutch bar there looks like that when the car is moving, that explains everything you see in the video Tongue

Might have to recalibrate your clutch as even in the autoclutch mode it's possible to engage the clutch axis manually
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It doesn't show like that on the replay tho Uhmm
Quote from johneysvk :It doesn't show like that on the replay tho Uhmm

It also can be bad setup gears car. In spr we can't see that.

@radicallx Would u like to share this car setup?
I will send another spr and my car setup tomorrow!
Here is another video of what happens: I set my gearbox to automatic, but it just doesn't shift up..
In the video I shift up by myself, altough it's automatic gearbox..
I am just using the default setup of the XR GT.
Attached files
This still doesnt work.spr - 10.2 KB - 113 views
NO WORRIES, I FINALLY FIXED IT!!! I just had to set my clutch to 'button'. Thank you all for taking your time to help me!!
That XRT SPR shows your clutch being half engaged (options>display>show pedals) and burning (press f9 and watch CT)

it works fine on an axis, you just need to calibrate it properly first.