The online racing simulator
Quote from deggis :Now you blew it, I was going to bet that someone not familiar with RBR replies "WHEN IS THE RALLYPACK RELEASE DATE!?"

I think we'd all forgotten about that

Nice work Don and Kid, although it's odd how you can see land in the far distance in the parts of the SO sphere. Is the SO one actually a long sausage which we can only see the end of?
Kid, is that actually you in your Avatar? I gotta say, you've got a much hairier face than I imagined.
Really like that stuff DoN and Kid.... I only wish it was in 1600 x 1200 somehow (specifically SO), and then I'd have a new wallpaper
Very nice work DoN and KiD :up: Almost marketing-style shots
#32 - Jakg
This is a stroke of creative genius from you guys. Awesome, most awesome
i like those
Very nice.
Beautiful work. Kid, you are truly the Van Gogh of LFS-related artwork.

(Not taking anything away from you, Don -- you just seem less likely to chop your own ear off.)
#39 - orre
Very nice
Woot! Those are the best screenies/graphics I've seen ever for LFS. If I had a hat, it'd be off for you.

Just for these, and that code thing you mentioned.. I will be willing to help if I can.
Its a truly great pic, thanks kid and don !
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Truly jaw dropping stuff guys!
Awesome, you guys surely have talent!
awesome pictures
thats absolutely brilliant
Amazing pictures, just found me a new wallpaper

thisnameistaken, you'll enjoy RBR. Its a bargain at that price. Theres a suprisingly large amount of mods for it as well, some of which really do enhance the game. And make it look pretty.
Sorry for the off-topic:

Quote from thisnameistaken :Aww you even found me a bargain price. I'll take it. Ooh, free delivery! Me likey.

Kev, not trying to talk you out of it, obviously everyone should own a copy of RBR. But be aware that it's not as efficient a bit of software as LFS is. You'll need a faster machine to get good framerates, it won't work on older graphics cards, and (in my case at least) the FF won't work with some wheels.

I'm still glad I bought it, but I look forward to an upgrade so I'll have the hardware to do it justice.
#49 - SamH
Does Kev's PC stink, then?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#50 - SamH
Already did that.. those images are something else. Can't wait for the Aston and Fern Bay ones! The Kyoto mountain ranges would be pretty awesome too!