The devs don't actually run servers, we do it in the community. The devs give us the means to run our own races, leagues, teams and so on, but it's us that actually DO those things.
It might sound odd, coming from a guy that everyone knows is mega-anti-wrecker/cheat, but I honestly don't think it's the dev's problem (except in really extreme circumstances, and I don't know of any examples of those).. it's our problem, in the community, to police our own environment.
There is an automated system which warns people who repeatedly get banned from servers by email, and in worst-case scenarios it imposes bans. That SUPPORTS us in our efforts, but I don't think it's intended to be the one-stop-shop for all wreckers. That's our baby, to make it "socially unacceptable".
We, "the people", can ban anyone we want from our servers. We can choose to race on wrecker/cheat-protected servers, or admin'd servers, or both. We have the choice to race with the bad guys or not. We have the tools, and all we need is the presence of mind to use them.