car-to-car contact has gotten worse with the new servers?
am I the only one who thinks that the LFS online latency is noticeably worse since the forced hosting?
i noticed that too way before the official patch, in the test patch period
is there any possibility of this improving in the future?
Same here, my ping seems to have straight up doubled.
#5 - Racon
My experience is that when it's good it's no worse than before, but there are 'spiky patches' where it gets randomly laggy (ie, no particular person, just everyone gets patches of low-rate or some big spikes). It was more like that at this Friday's event than the previous one, for example, a few people mentioned it.

It's not dissimilar to the start of a DDoS though, so who knows what issues the host is fighting behind the scenes - might be that we're complaining about spikiness when we've actually been spared an outage.
My ping is around 50/60. Sometimes there are spikes, but it's not a big deal, and I haven't experienced no lag issues since I started using a RJ45 connection instead of wifi.

In my last race I suffered a strange accident... maybe it shall be better understood in this video.

Replay can be downloaded following this link
#7 - Racon
That's 2 separate lag-hits, one at the back and then half a second later at the front. One of you was having a low-rate moment, I think.
Didn't have that impression while racing, neither when watching the replay, but might be the case. Server is in the Netherlands and the other driver is from Argentina.
Quote from jmeade :am I the only one who thinks that the LFS online latency is noticeably worse since the forced hosting?

No your not the only one Wink
Quote from tangovalens :My ping is around 50/60. Sometimes there are spikes, but it's not a big deal, and I haven't experienced no lag issues since I started using a RJ45 connection instead of wifi.

In my last race I suffered a strange accident... maybe it shall be better understood in this video.

Replay can be downloaded following this link

He is talking about latency and ping doesn't say a thing about lattency.
When hosting server there are 12 packets per car per second when a race of 32 cars there are 384 packets per second and some might get lost Wink So ping doesn't say a thing.
Live for Speed had one competitive advantage: It didn't have relevant cars, it didn't have relevant tracks, it didn't have relevant graphics
it had amazing net-code
The net-code was the only reason that anyone stuck around


@scawen : you have thrown away the only competitive advantage that your game had

9 Years ago we could bump, touch, rub, but still race

Nowadays if you get within a meter of a competitor, you throw a dice to see who gets thrown to the moon.

I can throw those dice in games with actually interesting cars and actually interesting tracks. I only stayed here because the net-code was good and I valued net-code over content ... but when you have shit content mixed with shit net-code..

Why should I stay?
Nobody is forcing you to stay Big grin
So if you feel all is sh*t here, feel free to move on.
Bye and close the door behind you please Wink
Quote from Yisc[NL :;2028841"]Nobody is forcing you to stay Big grin
So if you feel all is sh*t here, feel free to move on.
Bye and close the door behind you please Wink

bruh, the net code is one of the last things holding it together for lfs. Ive noticed in drifting as well, even when you are within 1m of the lead car, you get these random lag-hits out of the blue.
Quote from Yisc[NL :;2028841"]Nobody is forcing you to stay Big grin
So if you feel all is sh*t here, feel free to move on.
Bye and close the door behind you please Wink

Funny to read things like this from peoples who barely played lfs Big grin
Feedback about game is usually valuable for developers, even if it may be biased, lacking technical/factual info or the form may be unfortunate, it's still feedback (and the one provided by jmeade is lot more toward factual/useful one than what have I seen as game dev).

And people staying with LFS should rather farewell the leaving ones with "the doors are always open", for their own good. Smile
unfortunaly, we noticed this very strange and violent bug-crash" twice in our final round with the mod "FAST GTR", a 5tons truck wich suddenly throw the air with a simple smooth door to door battle ...
it is annoying ... sure
Quote from jmeade :Why should I stay?

It doesn't sound like you should stay, if that is your attitude! Big grin

Anyway, if it is any consolation, the "netcode" hasn't got any worse. There have always been bad collisions at times. It's well understood why it can happen. Of course you can have a series of races where some good rubbing might take place, then on some other occasion you might have a few bad hits for reasons which, as I said, are well understood.

I won't try to explain it here. Other people have done so in the past, with diagrams and everything.

Anyway you are free to "go" and "come back" any time you please. Better not get too bitter about losing a race though. Wink

Even if it's all my fault! Big grin
Quote from Scawen :
Anyway, if it is any consolation, the "netcode" hasn't got any worse. There have always been bad collisions at times. It's well understood why it can happen.

Yes, we have known for a long time about the hit laghits when cars intersect each other at the moment of packet delay. This often bothers all of us. Perhaps it is worth making a different (smoother) algorithm for displaying clients? So that the hoster at the start of the server could choose the desired algorithm himself? Not for this update ofcourse, maybe for future ones, if it makes sense.
Quote from Scawen :Better not get too bitter about losing a race though.

Well,he did not lose just a race,but whole reign of being king of the crashers... Looking
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :... Perhaps it is worth making a different (smoother) algorithm for displaying clients? So that the hoster at the start of the server could choose the desired algorithm himself? Not for this update ofcourse, maybe for future ones, if it makes sense.

I do believe there are other things to try out. Different choices with their own good and bad points. But I'm sure the problem of internet latency cannot be "solved" entirely. Whatever idea you come up with, there are ways it can go wrong or other downsides such as extreme CPU usage. But yes I would not claim that our system is the best it could be. As an example, I tried something early this year that brought certain benefits, but made other situations worse, so pretty much scrapped that one. As you noted, other priorities are more important for now.
i have noticed you sometimes get violent lag hit's where there were non before, but on the other hand in Round 1 of MRcRX Season 2023 we had no such notable incidents, so i think it's more a case of network traffic overload globally than anything else.
...if the soccar cup is meant to be an advertisement ... oof

10 Years ago I played a LFS Soccer tournament organized by Last Lap Motorsports: the organization was shit but the game play was better
Attached images
So your team caused bad connection by downloading torrents and running VPNs because you were losing?
Losing in an event that is not even about serious racing but just about funny football with cars?
i am disappoint. Dead banana
jmeade: Good that your team is out if that is your attitude.

Your cross-atlantic ping is something you feel is reasonable to blame on us, then you deliberately sabotage a fun event.

Disappointing. I'll close this pathetic whinge thread now and you can have a break.
This thread is closed