What's your average fps?
(85 posts, started )
#26 - Vain
About 50fps in normal traffic, 25fps at a full 20 grid start, 70fps alone.
System is a AMD Xp 2600+, 640 mb DDR Ram and a 9800XT.
@Gentlefoot: What exactly did you do to the card?

Quote from deggis :If your fps goes up and down e.g. from 30 to 100, it looks jerky. When you limit it to e.g. 76 it looks smoother because the difference between the highest and lowest value is smaller.

Hmmm, that may be true, but the main reason to limit FPS is your refresh rate of your monitor. Any higher of a frame rate might lead to some jerky frames, but that is because the frames are skiped by the monitor. If you can keep your frames at about the same speed as your refresh rate on your monitor, you won't be doing a bunch of unnecessary GPU work. The high speed GPU's are great for keeping things smooth up until turn 1 and for being able to run with max everything, but if your monitor is set at a 75Hz refresh rate, turn on V-sync and your GPU will match your screen frequency. Anything more than that is just cool to see.... wow! 150FPS!!!! But it ain't really doing you any good that way.

I run 75FPS pretty much all the time. I will get dips on a full grid, but not too bad. 3GHz Pentium, ATI X700 GPU, 2.5GB RAM.
Quote from Vain :About 50fps in normal traffic, 25fps at a full 20 grid start, 70fps alone.
System is a AMD Xp 2600+, 640 mb DDR Ram and a 9800XT.
@Gentlefoot: What exactly did you do to the card?


Sorry m8 - my geeky overclocker mate did it for me. I'll send him an email and ask him if you like?
Quote from Jertje :~80-100 when hotlapping with every setting maxed out.
probably a minimum of 30 in T1 online, same settings, smoothes out to 70-90 during the race. Either way it never becomes overly jerky and certainly not unplayable, ever.

3200+ @ 2.2 Ghz
1GB Ram
X800GTO2 with unlocked pixel pipelines, default clock speeds

OK, can anyone tell me whether GPU and RAM make such a big difference in LFS? I have AMD 2800+ @ 2.0x GHz but only 512MB RAM and a Radeon 9500. I can hardly get half the mentioned frame rates.
Edit: Ah, and ofcourse I don't have everything maxed out, resolution is 1024x768 16-bit.
Quote from CSU1 : Are you quite sure about that post!

Hm, I thought I was. I can try again, though.

Quote from CSU1 :What's your average fps?

I have no idea. One of the first things I switched off when I got :lfs: was the fps display. The game runs smooth here, it always did, so why would I bother checking my fps?

I managed around 60-70fps when i am alone on the track, with other cars (depending how many) it does drop, but i am usually winning so i never see other cars this is lfs totaly maxed out.... with res 1400x1024 8xaf 4xaa

It is a 5 year old pc: athlon xp 2600+, a7n8x board with hercules radeon 9800pro and a gig of ram...

Hercules is a godly card btw... i still run many games fine....
Got it pegged to 90FPS, otherwise I get little stutters, will run at 120fps with ease at 1280x1024, 4xAA, 8xAF, everything set as high as possible in LFS.

Start of a race (online or with a full grid of AI) is about 30 - 40, after T1 its around 120, and thats the same for hotlapping. All settings on max.
65-95 fps, no matter how many cars on the track.
I can't run the LFSBenchmark replay, it says OOS error. How to fix it?
40-50 no matter what. Everything maxed out, 6x AA, 8x AF. It's a Radeon 9550, so it's not the best card, but LFS is the only game I play, and it works just fine.
gfx set as low as possible, no aa no af, gfx card set to high performance, i probably hit about 40 with full grid start, around about 50-80 normally... 50 and below on autox, mostly around 30
Always 85 when I'm alone. Full grid and me in last position: around 70-75 I think.
Not like before with my old computer, something like 40 when I was alone, some places 50 if I was lucky and like 10-15 fps on full grid.
It's really big difference in driving with high and low fps. Before, when the rear started to loose traction my "moves" was always a little late. Now I now and can countersteer (think thats the right word) direct.
Oh btw, I'm running in 1280*1024 with 4 x aa, 16 x af and the rest on quality (vsync on and those others..).
Any numbers here that people quote are pretty much worthless for comparison purposes.

Besides, average fps doesn't mean a whole lot. It's minimum fps you should be worried about.
#40 - CSU1
Quote from Forbin :Any numbers here that people quote are pretty much worthless for comparison purposes.

Besides, average fps doesn't mean a whole lot. It's minimum fps you should be worried about.

True , but damn does low fps fu*k your drivin up
#41 - siLc
With full grid (1080*760, all settings minimum) I have 8-10 FPS. But during the race about 20-40.
Quote from seggons :http://lfsbench.iron.eu.org/

While the LFS bench stuff is quite a good benchmark, i don't think you can compare the figures to online play. For example, i can run a full grid multiplayer race replay in 16x speed, but an SP replay with just a few AI's completely chokes my PC at 4x speed (fps drops.. drops.. drops .. LFS hops back to 1x speed). Probably because online cars have their controllers sampled between 3 to 6 times per second while AI's in SP are sampled at 100hz (?).

On topic.
20-30 fps at the back of full grid, 50-90 racing.
around 40. under 10 when CnR full.
Always around 50 for me, but have tried different AA and AF setting recently which has effected performance slightly.
I just drove half a lap. Fegreen fxo - I se only my front tyres and fps varied from 48 - 68.
All eye candy is on.

P4 3.0 (2mb level 2)
1.5 Gb pc 4200
6600 Gt (256 Mb ram)

Screen resolution : 2048/1536 - 75 Hz 32 bit color.

But fps varies. You have to find the same view, to do anything serious with the data.
Use the "tv mode" where the camera chooses differnt angles. This is the most craving setting.
Quote from filur :While the LFS bench stuff is quite a good benchmark, i don't think you can compare the figures to online play. For example, i can run a full grid multiplayer race replay in 16x speed, but an SP replay with just a few AI's completely chokes my PC at 4x speed (fps drops.. drops.. drops .. LFS hops back to 1x speed). Probably because online cars have their controllers sampled between 3 to 6 times per second while AI's in SP are sampled at 100hz (?).

On topic.
20-30 fps at the back of full grid, 50-90 racing.

Very good point :up:
racing alone = 14.5 fps
multiplayer (good day) = 8.7 fps
full race grid = crash
Quote from Gentlefoot :Sorry m8 - my geeky overclocker mate did it for me. I'll send him an email and ask him if you like?

Right, he replied and I don't even know what card I have!

"Hi mate
You don't have a 9800 you have an X800GTO (which is about twice as quick )
To re-enable the unused 4 pipes of the GPU I had to flash the bios with a different version ,& that was it ,this only works on 2-3 different types of X800 GTO though.If you want more info on that checkout this site http://www.techpowerup.com/ ,it covers other cards too.
Btw that saved you about £50 too "

So sorry Vain m8 if you have a 9800 and I raised your hopes. That's the card in my old PC. lol
Quote from mustangcobra :AMD 3ghz
512mb of ram :\
Geforce 7300 gs 90-120 fps..depending on my aa and af settings
Dialup doesnt help :\

Someone on this very forum told me that connection speed does not effect FPS.

I don't know if its true but thats what someone told me.
Quote from Madman_CZ :I managed around 60-70fps when i am alone on the track, with other cars (depending how many) it does drop, but i am usually winning so i never see other cars ....

Hmmm - that's either the confidence of a champion or the arrogance of a fool

What's your average fps?
(85 posts, started )