Here's my issue with bikes on PC games. It's relatively easy to simulate driving a car with a computer - you're already sitting down like you are in a car, so just add a wheel and pedals
Compare that to riding a motorcycle - you're not just steering, braking and accelerating while sitting in a basically fixed position
inside a vehicle, you're sitting
on a vehicle and constantly shifting your centre of gravity in three dimensions in order to control it effectively. The rider is the one thing a bike can't do without. A car can just sit there, or roll down a hill, and not fall over. The relationship between a rider and his bike is too complex to be adequately simulated on a PC game imho.
I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it would be pointless unless Logitech or ACT Labs bring out a little bike-shaped thing that you can sit on and lean to and fro
Then you'd just have to convince your partner/mum/flatmate that you're not a sad and completely hopeless nerd for buying something so ridiculous