The tool is awesome and is pretty much exactly what i was going to write to learn delphi + opengl until i realised it was alot harder than i thought :P
I dont think i can do that, sorry. It's because, as far as i now, the track layout of Autocross tracks is not in smx files. And that's where the spectator takes the tracks from.
But don't you think it would be possible to just allow the viewers to load the layout file manually ? I mean, LFS Spectator would load both the smx and layout files and would overlay the corresponding objects over the track map using sprites or signs such as dots, X and circles, whatever, as long as viewers can figure the layout. English isn't my mother tongue, I don't know if I explain it well enough.
One question, though: Must I specify a static ip to the host or may the InSim part resolve hostnames (i.e. host & domain names)?
EDIT: And, you should clash together with the creator of the LFS Server Script (and maybe Join2LFS?) so it may be easy to choose what host to watch, right from a webpage!!!
When will be released the new version of this that support bf1?
I have noticed that are not much the servers that support insim relay.
Why scawen does not force all the server hosts to automatically activate it?
(without a separate subscription i mean, something in the dedicated server)