Street Obsessions - Racing League

All races will take place on the Street Obsessions server
Sign-ups accepted through the season
Sign up Here!
Keep Track of Sign Ups! ... HhMwJiEA/edit?usp=sharing
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The Street Obsessions Racing League is a for fun racing league within LFS using Faik Topo Cup mod. Races will be run on Thursdays with practice starting at 19:00 UTC
Every race is for points, the points table is shown below.
Season Standings:
(No bonus points awarded for any car)
Leaderboard link: ... 6VEnfeWk/edit?usp=sharing
1st 64
2nd 62
3rd 60
4th 58
5th 56
6th 54
7th 52
8th 50
9th 48
10th 46
11th 44
12th 42
13th 40
14th 38
15th 36
16th 34
17th 32
18th 30
19th 28
20th 26
21st 24
22nd 22
23rd 20
24th 18
25th 16
26th 14
27th 12
28th 10
29th 8
30th 6
31st 4
32nd 2
DNF / DSQ: 0
All points can be tracked in the spreadsheet, which will be distributed after the first round of the championship.
1:Follow the rules of clean racing:
2:Be on time for qualification / races (if a driver misses qualification they’ll be placed at the back of the grid)
3:No cheats / hacks of ANY KIND.
4:Respect flags, if it’s yellow be cautious of an upcoming incident.
5:Sign-ups necessary.
Signing Up
Sign ups are required for the league table, anybody can sign up at any time over on Google Forms (There are no team sign-ups)
Racing Calendar
Event Times
19:00 UTC - Practice (15m)
19:15 UTC - Qualification (15m)
19:30 UTC - Race Start