@these ppl complaining about admins: It's real simple, Don't like an admin, go to a different server where you feel you're treated fairly. End of story.
2 people, one didn't provide information about what he was doing before he got banned...so one would suspect he was parked on the racing line or wrecking.

And the other broke a clear rule which he should have known about after racing in the server so much.

It seems to be a very small minority of the people who race in the redline servers that have a problem, and all of it is caused by the same thing...NOT READING THE RULES!
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :2 people, one didn't provide information about what he was doing before he got banned...so one would suspect he was parked on the racing line or wrecking.

And the other broke a clear rule which he should have known about after racing in the server so much.

It seems to be a very small minority of the people who race in the redline servers that have a problem, and all of it is caused by the same thing...NOT READING THE RULES!

just read those topics, not only 2 ppl complained about getting kicked/banned from RR server(s). its not about not reading the rules, its about setting childish, silly rules, and for the top of that, they have admins who take it serious. getting banned for having fun after the race finished? its bullshit.. she just gotta satisfy her needs for banning.
Thats a selfish attitude. You say your banned for having fun...but many people consider getting rammed after a race extremely irritating. Your selfish if you go and ram a stationary car because YOU think its fun. If you want to crash into stuff after a race at least do it away from people who might not like it.
#55 - Jakg
Quote from RevengeR :just read those topics, not only 2 ppl complained about getting kicked/banned from RR server(s). its not about not reading the rules, its about setting childish, silly rules, and for the top of that, they have admins who take it serious. getting banned for having fun after the race finished? its bullshit.. she just gotta satisfy her needs for banning.

i often try a different setup tweak (i suck at setups, but sometimes i feel that the set could do with something, ie more DF or maybe more "give" in the suspension) and do a lap or so to see if it feels any better, and although i wouldn't ban (or kick) someone for a server for hitting me while im tyring to practice i can't say i would call it an injustice if it clearly says it in the rules
hehe I just went on RR server and had a nice lesson how to admin a server "fairly" some obvious newbie (=rookie as QS said) racer was circling around the track pretty slow but didn't cause any troubles.. until EVO hit him and started this "WTF you F*cking idiot were standing in the middle off the track" show.. well poor guy got banned in few seconds for doing nothing wrong

*need more beer and popcorn, it's just too hilarious*
Quote from Jakg :i often try a different setup tweak (i suck at setups, but sometimes i feel that the set could do with something, ie more DF or maybe more "give" in the suspension) and do a lap or so to see if it feels any better, and although i wouldn't ban (or kick) someone for a server for hitting me while im tyring to practice i can't say i would call it an injustice if it clearly says it in the rules

Hate to break it to you, but you and all of MG, just got perma banned on their server. You can thank Black wolf for it.

He was being a whiny brat, moaning, and refused to observe the blue flag *from Redlines perspective* Swearing, insulting, the whole "noob" titlement really.
Quote from Jakg :i often try a different setup tweak (i suck at setups, but sometimes i feel that the set could do with something, ie more DF or maybe more "give" in the suspension) and do a lap or so to see if it feels any better, and although i wouldn't ban (or kick) someone for a server for hitting me while im tyring to practice i can't say i would call it an injustice if it clearly says it in the rules

yep, thats true, i often do the same, but banning others for this? although i didnt mean going wrong way and crash others who just passed the finish line, i meant some spinning, burnout etc. RR guys: make a txt including all your rules, and post it on forum. it should help others not to break them.
Nothing to say, I am disapointed.
I got baned now, from this server.

I got kicked, and I simply asked "why?".

And admin only says read the rules, I know you shal nto ignore blue flag and stuff, but I did nothing wrong. I repeat and ask nice what I did wrong, and what rule I broke, and admin Evo starts to say "read the ****ing rules", "I canot be bothered when ****s like you cannot read the rules".

Ok, if I did wrong sorry, but please at least tell me what I did wrong!
Thats all I ask for, and I only want to race.
And I did not even get a chance, when I got kicked some times I said "please wait, let me tell" , got insta kick... then rejoined and said "I only want to race..:" , but then I got baned...
Redline do not need to post their rules, because every time you join the server is pops up with a welcome message that says type !rules to see the server rules.

In all the time i have raced there i have seen people use it about 10 times, its a simply case of people not respecting the server they race on. You have to understand the frustration when someone spends hours making a script so that rules are easy to display, and then nobody uses it...then bitches about not knowing the rules.

The correct way to deal with any issue would be to email or pm a server admin and ask for clarification. Posting useless threads insulting people and trying to give them a bad name will not help your cause.
Quote from The Very End :Nothing to say, I am disapointed.
I got baned now, from this server.

I got kicked, and I simply asked "why?".

And admin only says read the rules, I know you shal nto ignore blue flag and stuff, but I did nothing wrong. I repeat and ask nice what I did wrong, and what rule I broke, and admin Evo starts to say "read the ****ing rules", "I canot be bothered when ****s like you cannot read the rules".

Ok, if I did wrong sorry, but please at least tell me what I did wrong!
Thats all I ask for, and I only want to race.
And I did not even get a chance, when I got kicked some times I said "please wait, let me tell" , got insta kick... then rejoined and said "I only want to race..:" , but then I got baned...

Calling her a MILF didnt help either.
Quote from BigDave2967 :Hate to break it to you, but you and all of MG, just got perma banned on their server. You can thank Black wolf for it.

He was being a whiny brat, moaning, and refused to observe the blue flag *from Redlines perspective* Swearing, insulting, the whole "noob" titlement really.

Sorry? Did I read that right?

One member of a team doesnt behave correctly on a server and the whole team gets banned?

Now thats really a strange kind of admining.
Quote from zeugnimod :Sorry? Did I read that right?

One member of a team doesnt behave correctly on a server and the whole team gets banned?

Now thats really a strange kind of admining.

From EVOs perspective, she found them disprespectful to the rules.
Quote from BigDave2967 :Calling her a MILF didnt help either.

Well that was a other time, I know that is bad, and I deserve a kick when I said that before. And yes I know that is lame ass humor as well.
Point is, I did not did that this time, but ok, ban np, I just play something else for 24 hours, no big deal. Just had to state that they maybe should tighten up a little, many have been baned, probally many deserves it aswell, but there is other peope that have no clue what they did wrong before they got baned, even if it was an racing accident.

But I am not out after giving people a bad name, just had to say that they maybe should try to tighten up a little, but nvm

Have a nice saturdag evening
Quote from BigDave2967 :From EVOs perspective, she found them disprespectful to the rules.

If one member of the team is disrespectful, then the whole team has to be disrespectful?
Think you mean loosen up a little, I am sure they would be more relaxed with people if there were not a constant stream of threads slating them.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Think you mean loosen up a little, I am sure they would be more relaxed with people if there were not a constant stream of threads slating them.

they gotta eat what they cooked...
This is very LAME. Find something else to do and cool off. Things look better after a break.
Quote from zeugnimod :If one member of the team is disrespectful, then the whole team has to be disrespectful?

That's how they see it. To be honest I don't blame them, if the whole team was infact disrespectful *hypothetically* it wouldnt be a suprise if they did ban them, but since it was Blackwolf himself, MG have to clear their name.
MG have to do nothing.. redline just need to be more lenient with there admining, yes it is their server and they can do what they like.. but its all abit pathetic
Funny how the server is still regularly full if you listened to people here you would think it was ran by elietist devil worshippers that beat rookies into submission then ban them.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Funny how the server is still regularly full if you listened to people here you would think it was ran by elietist devil worshippers that beat rookies into submission then ban them.

So what if it was? As long as I don't get agitated by the peeps running that show (which is at times amusing, you have to admit), I'll keep going there for the odd FOX BL1 race.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Funny how the server is still regularly full if you listened to people here you would think it was ran by elietist devil worshippers that beat rookies into submission then ban them.

cuz its running fox@bl1 for a quite time now. btw, im out from this, since theres no way they will change. just keep going guys..
#74 - VoiD
Kindergarten illepall
Quote from TagForce :Apart from being highly annoying to get a kick in the chin because some dimwit decides it's ok to ram you at full speed when you're parked in the grass after the race typing a message over the top of your FFB wheel, yes it could in fact break your FFB wheel. It was not designed to get slammed side to side at lightning speed without anything stopping it but the bumpstops inside it. It should be able to hold some slamming, but wear will make it break sometime.

Yes yes, press ESC and it turns off FFB, but heat of the moment discussions sometimes cause minor amnesia. You forget (and are promptly reminded) sometimes.

On a side note, I think Redline Racing should change their name... Unless their webpage is actually teamredline.co.uk, in which case they should take me in as a member for causing all the confusion. There is already a (very famous) team redline (racing) in simworld whose members are some of the best simracers known to mankind.

When you use 200% FF ingame and maybe 100 or 200% in controller software as well, i agree. But with normal settings, i have to disagree. Depends on the manufacture/company/(product) of the wheel as well but i dont think that can happen with normal settings (low or average FF settings)

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