Finally, my broadband connection is up permanently, thanks to actions taken by Virgin. My rant regards specifically UK Online.
I initiated bb line transfer on the 2nd of July and waited 2 weeks for the line to be activated at my new location. It was activated, but UK Online overlooked a problem at the local exchange during that time and so the line didn't work even though it was activated. From then on, for one and a half months of almost daily calls to UKO's tech support and chasing after them they failed to solve the problem. In fact, they didn't even look into it properly. All they did was pass the buck between BT Openreach and themselves. For 3/2 months.
After that I got tired of waiting, switched to Virgin (no 12month contract, 8meg unlimited) and hit the same problem again. This time around Virgin got off their backsides, called BT Wholesale (so what was all that about Openreach I wonder..) and solved a problem at the local exchange.
UK Online could not provied more than 2meg at my location, provided piss-poor customer service and tech support, save the several months' free bb offer they made to stop me from leaving. To top it off, they gave me a MAC code despite saying they will cancel my contract, but then didn't cancel it because they gave me the MAC code and didn't bother to tell me they changed their minds.
Sod off UK Online, props to Virgin.
I initiated bb line transfer on the 2nd of July and waited 2 weeks for the line to be activated at my new location. It was activated, but UK Online overlooked a problem at the local exchange during that time and so the line didn't work even though it was activated. From then on, for one and a half months of almost daily calls to UKO's tech support and chasing after them they failed to solve the problem. In fact, they didn't even look into it properly. All they did was pass the buck between BT Openreach and themselves. For 3/2 months.
After that I got tired of waiting, switched to Virgin (no 12month contract, 8meg unlimited) and hit the same problem again. This time around Virgin got off their backsides, called BT Wholesale (so what was all that about Openreach I wonder..) and solved a problem at the local exchange.
UK Online could not provied more than 2meg at my location, provided piss-poor customer service and tech support, save the several months' free bb offer they made to stop me from leaving. To top it off, they gave me a MAC code despite saying they will cancel my contract, but then didn't cancel it because they gave me the MAC code and didn't bother to tell me they changed their minds.
Sod off UK Online, props to Virgin.