The online racing simulator
V8 Racing League 2022 - information

After 7 seasons of exciting racing,the good old Formula V8 made by ScaViEr has been retired and a new car has taken it's place in this series - with this the announced "turbo era" will start in V8 Racing League! When compared to FO8,the new car FoRGE VERL 2022 has most values increased - power has raised by 200 horsepower,but also the weight has been increased by 75 kilograms,to compensate the power and weight gain,also contact patch to the road has been increased as car got a set of wider tyres. There are also values that have been decreased - engine displacement,strength of aerodynamic downforce and fuel tank volume. The latter change will cause the need to visit pitstops as the new car can complete about 75-80% of race distance with full tank - pitstop however is not mandatory by ruling.

League race format is quite simple and hasn't been changed - every round features 20 minutes free track qualifying and race,where lapcount is set to minimum to exceed 200 kilometers. As always no "hardcore simulation" will be enforced to keep things simple - everyone can telepit in qualifying (also in race,but that of course erases the driver's race progress),also Safety/Pace car will not be used.

The schedule features 2 fast tracks and 3 slower ones. Season will kick off with one of the faster ones - the Westhill International has always been a high-speed challenge,where drivers have to make compromises between top speed and cornering speed with their wings setup. Round 2 will bring the rough and bumpy temporary circuit layed out in Blackwood's container storage area - despite being slower in turns,the new car can still beat 1 minute laptime mark here. The middle round will be also the only tour outside England - the sunny island of Jamaica will receive the racers with the tricky Gold configuration in Fern Bay. Fourth round will be the festival of speed - Aston's National configuration does not feature many slow turns besides the 3 hairpins. Season finale is set in South City,where the 4km City Long configuration in reversed direction offer 2 high speed sections and a very tricky maze through the town - a proper challenging site to decide fate of championship!

Series schedule:
19.09. Round 1 - Westhill 200 (WE International, 35 laps)
03.10. Round 2 - Containa Grand Prix of Blackwood (BL Container Sprint*, 80 laps)
17.10. Round 3 - Caribbean 200 (FE Gold, 57 laps)
31.10. Round 4 - Aston Classic Challenge (AS National, 36 laps)
14.11. Round 5 - South City 200 (SO City Long Reversed, 50 laps)
* Custom configuration layout attached

17:30 UTC / 19:30 CET / 20:30 EET
- 20 minutes of qualifying
18:00 UTC / 20:00 CET / 21:00 EET - race start
* due daylight saving time change in Europe,the UTC time of rounds 4 and 5 will be accordingly 18:30 and 19:00!
* times of posted CET and EET timezones are the current times at the date - summer time in rounds 1-3,winter time in rounds 4-5.
* IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are not familiar with either CET or EET timezones,always refer to UTC to convert the correct event time to your timezone! Calendar of website's leagues section always shows right time for your timezone!

Special notes on qualifying:
- If there is no full 40 car grid,drivers championship's top 10 drivers will be allowed to start from end of the grid if joined late and missed qualification. For 1st round last year's top 10 driver's can use this option.
- To qualify for the race drivers have to set a laptime during qualifying session within 112% of best laptime of the qualifying session. This does not affect championship's top 10 drivers as they may start the race without qualifying or with laptime outside 112% of best laptime.

VERL Drivers Champion - awarded to a driver with the most points scored through all 5 rounds,including attendance bonus points
VERL Teams Champion - awarded to a team with the most points scored through all 5 rounds (team will score all points from it's 2 highest finished drivers and all round bonus points)
VERL Nations Cup Winner - awarded to a nation with the most points scored through all 5 rounds (nation will score all points from it's 2 highest finished drivers and all round bonus points)
VERL Rookie of the Year - awarded to a driver,who hasn't started a single VERL race before this season,with the most points scored through all 5 rounds,including attendance bonus points. Rookie status will be marked in championship standings sheet in series spreadsheets (link in "Miscellaneous info" section of this post)

In all championships - in case of a tie,higher rated will be driver/team/nation with highest finishing position,if equal - it's amount,if equal - second highest position etc. If all finishing positions happen to be equal,higher rated will be selected using same system from qualifying results. If they also happen to be equal then as a tie-breaker will be used last round finishing position. In case a tied driver had a disqualification in one or more rounds,it counts as a primary rating lowering factor,when deciding tiebreak.

Drivers Championship best 3 drivers will be awarded with money prizes:
1st place - 40€
2nd place - 20€
3rd place - 10€

* money prizes will be payed out only via SEPA bank transfer (available only in Europe) or via PayPal!
* money prizes will be payed out at the end of season (after final standings are posted)
* money prize will be revoked if the earner has been banned from series

Points System:
Finishing points:
1st - 20 points
2nd - 17 points
3rd - 14 points
4th - 12 points
5th - 10 points
6th - 9 points
7th - 8 points
8th - 7 points
9th - 6 points
10th - 5 points
11th - 4 points
12th - 3 points
13th - 2 points
14th-40th - 1 point

In order to receive finishing points,driver must complete full 2/3 (66.67%) of race distance with single run!

Points reducement system:
*in case there 8 or less participants in qualifying,race distance and available points will be halved.
1st - 10 points
2nd - 8 points
3rd - 6 points
4th - 5 points
5th - 4 points
6th - 3 point
7th - 2 point
8th-17th - 1 point

(points for more positions available just in case of late joins)
* also here completion of 2/3 (66.67%) from reduced race distance with single run is required to score finishing points!

Round bonus points:
Qualification win - 1 point (if qualifying time is equal,both/all will receive this bonus point)
Fastest lap in race - 1 point (if laptime is equal,both/all will receive this bonus point)

Championship bonus points:
Attendance in all 5 rounds - 2 points
Attendance in 4 rounds - 1 point
* Attendance counts if a driver has started the race

We will not make a mile long rule book that noone will read completely anyway,so we will rely on common sence of competitors to behave and follow the basic Rules of Clean Racing. There will not be an admin in server who will specifically observe drivers' behaviour during the race,so any action will be made only after protest while all retirements will be investigated automatically. If any incidents reported/protested,we will take individual approach to each of them to decide best fair resolution or punishment if needed.

Basic guidelines as a reminder:
> Blue flag - you may not deny/block a passing manouvre of laping car and try a repass right after it. In qualification it means - stay off racing line and don't disturb drivers on hotlap.
> Shortcuts - 2 wheels on track at all times. Track is mostly marked by white lines,while also curbs count towards track. Overtaking outside track limits counts as illegal and will be penalized in case of a protest.
> Contacts - have to be avoided at all costs as always when racing open wheel cars,that includes also bumpdrafting.
> Pit exit - allthough there will be no mandatory pitstop in this league,due smaller fuel tank pitting will be needed,so pit exit lines will have to be respected - drivers may not cross the pit exit line with more than 2 wheels and have to make way for cars racing at full speed. Failing to comply with this rule will award them with 10s penalty,while causing incidents will result in bigger penalty. Pit entry lines will not be monitored,they serve just as guidelines.
> Chatting - it's not completely outruled,but still drivers are expected to concentrate on racing. In case of too much chatting while ignoring messages asking to cease chatting,a penalty may be given. In case of any abusive/offensive language a penalty will be given! Any in server present observers/spectators are not allowed to chat at all during race session!
> Lags - if there are any connection issues,driver will be asked to improve (close internet using programs). If driver will be considered as dangerous due to unstable connection and high ping,he will not be allowed to participate at the current round.
> Hacks/cheats - if used,you will not race with us. Ever. As simple as that.

Possible penalties:
> WARNING - any minor infraction that needs to be noted without penalty. Warned driver might receive bigger penalty for other infractions.
> 10s added to finish time - minor infractions,like illegal passing,pit exit line violation,too much chatting.
> 30s added to finish time - medium infractions,like causing avoidable incident[s] without serious consequences,illegal passing.
> 60s added to finish time (1 lap penalty in rounds 2 and 3) - medium infractions,like causing avoidable incident[s] with consequences to other drivers (like damage,multiple position loss) or unsportsmanlike behaviour.
> Disqualification for 1 or more rounds - heavy infractions,multiple incidents,unsportsmanlike behaviour. After serving disqualification,driver will automatically carry a "warning" for the rest of season.
> Series exclusion (including ban for any other events run under Race Green Events control) - serious infractions like intentional/revenge wrecking,event sabotage and any other malicious act.

Signing up:
In order to compete in VERL 2022,you have to visit VERL 2022 Signups thread and fill the registration form.

Miscellaneous info:
> We will not use any numbers,skin requirements or official names in our league. But still feel free to use the attached VERL logo (the one without shadows) on skins if you wish!
> Signup tracking and all the standings will be found in VERL 2022 spreadsheets.
> Signed up drivers will receive server information and password at least 24h before round start (usually saturday european time) via PM on this forum! Make sure you have enabled PM receiving! Server will be online without password until then.
> Series will be run using the latest stable version of LFS (currently 0.7D).
> All information above can be changed,if so,a notification will be posted about it!

League server: V8 Racing League(Online)

Join us,good luck in series and have fun!
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For those who are curious how much different the new car is compared to Formula V8,here's a comparision graphic:

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VERL car comparision.jpg
VERL 2022 final standings

The 8th season of V8 Racing League brought a big change to it - a new car was introduced,which brought much more challenge to the racers. Unfortunatelly the challenge was to high for most,so the signups count was low and only a single previous champion signed up,still there were a total of 6 previous VERL race winners attending,but the season brought us 7th different champion in 8 years.

The 200 horsepower more powerful car scared many potential racers away as they had trouble handling the car with it's specs,so this season reached all time lows in most statistics rows - 27 signups is 3 less than last year,19 actual participants is 10 less than last year and by 7 less than lowest value in league's history. 15 points scorers however is just a sigle counter less than all time lowest from year 2020,meaning the percentual quality has actually raised. The average attendance was 11.6 drivers per round,previous lowest was 12.4 two years ago. Attendance in individual rounds variated from 14 in round one (still one less than previous lowest season high) to 9 in middle round,which is 4th highest between all season lows. No surprise was the amount of rookies - just 4 VERL newbies attended this year,one of them never finished a race.

VERL 2022 Drivers Champion: [FM]ˆチαtαι
The season started under the star of Fatal - he collected all 66 possible points during first 3 rounds,but had to accept a defeat in 4th round,where he finished just 2nd to his main rival. Despite the minor possibility of losing grasp on the drivers title,Fatal did not attend the final round,but still was crowned as VERL 2022 champion with 11 points gap over competition. With 3 wins during this season,Fatal reached a total of 4 in the league,which puts him in tied 3rd position in most wins chart. This was the 3rd VERL season for him,he finished 5th on his debuth,while last year he was vice-champion.
By finishing on podium in 4 rounds,winning the 4th,Unite was the only other candidate for champion's title before season finale,but he had a troublefull race,finishing just 6th,staying 2nd in final standings,repeating the result of 2018,which was the only other season where he scored a race win,last season Unite was 3rd in standings. Last season's 3rd best rookie Thehemuli was 3rd best overall this season. He did not finish in top5 just in the middle round,finishing 2nd in two rounds,which is his best result - on his debut season last year he collected just a sole top5 finish. The defending champion Gábor led 2 laps in round one,finishing 2nd,but after few incidents in first lap of round 2,he retired and never returned,giving up any chances to defend the title.

VERL 2022 Rookie of the Year: ZFRL­•Motimoukari
Motimoukari achieved what his faster teammate could not last season - being best rookie of the year. Despite not attending in 4th round,Motimoukari outscored his other rookie teammate by 3 points,finishing in top5 twice.
LG-mies was the only rival for rookie of the year title,was even leading the standings by 2 points before final round,but could not challenge the teammate - he finished 8th twice through the season as his best performance. Terga joined the VERL just in season finale,dominating the race and with it placing himself as 3rd best rookie of this season. Last year's best rookie attended just in round 2,complained about car and never returned to league,finishing 17th in standings.

VERL 2022 Teams Champions: Race Green Autosports
After 8 years of racing,the league hosting team finally achieved the top position in teams championship. RGA finished 2nd in teams standings 3 times,were 3rd last year. This year having drivers who finished 4th and 5th in drivers standings was enough to edge out the teams championship by 2 points. Both regular drivers scored 6 top5 finishes through season with 2nd as best result,scoring 29 points in round 3.
Zafiralis were chasing the table leaders whole season long,but never were able to take it over despite scoring highest points count for a team 3 times in the season (once tied though). The team scored 6 top5 finishes,where the teamleader scored 2 second place finishes. The defending 2-time champions Team S1dus finished just 3rd this year as only on round 1 they had more than one points scorer - still a win and 4 other top5 finishes in their account.

VERL 2022 Nations Cup winners: Finland
This is a championship that does not change much through VERL history - Finland once again dominated the chart without having challengers,as they scored maximum points count twice and were never outscored in any round. 8 of 19 total drivers were finns and the whole drivers championship podium is taken over by finns. Finland scored a total of 4 wins (the only other winner was a slovenian) and total of 14 top5 finishes.
Rest of the teams table consists mostly of single driver nations - Latvia is 2nd with their 4th placed championship driver,Italy is third with 5th placed championship driver,ironically both were responsible for taking teams championship.

Regarding league future - seems like the car was a step too high,so next year we'll try to set up a car that will have a tick less challenge in it. Time will show if it will be an edited version of 2022 car or a brand new car,based on the current car,no other options are currently considered. First ideas are to reduce power of the car to 600HP by simply reducing boost of the turbocharger,while adding a bit more downforce for better cornering abilities,keeping the car to very similar laptime pace. Suspension rework is also one of the tasks to do in the break between seasons. Other suggested changes like adding traction control will not be even considered as VERL is supposed to be kept as a challenge to all driver's skills like precise driving and throttle control.
Our other plans include the 12th season of our longest yearly league All-wheel-drive Winter Series. Last year due time shortage we were able to include just a single new car,but this year each of the 8 planned rounds will feature a different car - 3 of those are known from past season,one is currently in final stage of building,remaining 4 will be community made cars available from mods list. The round one is planned in exactly one month (19th december),full info will be posted 2 weeks before season start. One week after AWS 2023 start we'll host the annual crashoff known under the name of This is Crashmaaas !!! - an event that will be kept in it's traditional combo. Last year server was loaded full with crashhappy people,including mr. Roberts himself,let's see what surprises this year will bring!

See you on track! Thumbs up
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VERL 2022 arhive post
For archive purposes mod version run in season 2022 is uploaded here,so it's possible view all replays of the season.
(place the folder in lfs/mods/vehicles folder in case you don't have version 004 already)

Links to all official session replays of the season (originally attached in round info thread - unofficial results post):

Round 1 - Westhill 200 (WE International):
-Q -
-R -
Round 2 - Containa Grand Prix of Blackwood (BL Container Sprint):
-Q -
-R -
Round 3 - Caribbean 200 (FE Gold):
-Q -
-R -
Round 4 - Aston Classic Challenge (AS National):
-Q -
-R -
Round 5 - South City 200 (SO City Long Rev.):
-Q -
-R -
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