Another S2 Licence sold hopefully!
Had a colleague over tonight having waxed lyrical about LFS for weeks, fed him pizza/beer, gave him complete access to my S2 for three hours, he was very impressed and left vowing to buy S2. I've even offered to loan him my old MS FF...

Hopefully more money in the pot for the Scavier 3. As Tesco blurb says, every little helps!
keep it going mate ive already made 4 of my friends buy S2, and i bought 3 licences myself for some friends of mine who couldnt afford it. i think ill get to heaven when that time comes
Revengers post brought smile on my face this morning, really nice to see someone buying licenses to others Keep going all
I posted a topic on another forum telling them about it and posting a video of me doing a lap around Westhill in the BF1. They seemed to like it but I don't think any licenses were sold. I tried.
Good news, and nice avatar
My friend bought one after playing it at my house, he bought a DFP too
Quote from chopaholic :LOL, Damn dude ure generous. Fancy buying me one?

You don't know for generous until you meet tinyk
I doubt your entirely broke since you've been here since Feb 2005. Internet connection about £15-30 a month so if you were totally broke I doubt you'd have a luxury such as a computer yet alone a internet connection
Quote from chopaholic :Being only 16. Being at school 5 days a week is hard. Esp when i have to pay towards my own internet connection. Spare 25 quids dont come handy!

And the computer was a xmas present.... Its harder than u think to afford a s2 licence!

I was working my ass off at the age of 12 to fund as much of my karting as possible. I know exactly what it's like. Living out in a farmhouse roughly 3 miles away from the village made it harder but I managed. I helped my Grandad cut peoples lawns for £10, that was for about 4-5 hours or so of work. Did a Sunday paper round the weeks I wasn't racing, £7. I'd try do other things that popped up to make a little bit more money.

All that hard work and then £40 of that would disappear just for a race entry and sometimes we'd be doing 2 or 3 events a month. £100 for a club membership every year ... £5-10 of fuel ... parts if there happens to be any breakages ... I know exactly what its like but I'd never call myself `broke`.

I wanted it and put in as much work as I could to make it happen.

My parents own a shop and are self employed, they work 9-5.30 6 days a week and even there day off will usually be spent working on the books etc. My Dad has been up till the late hours of the morning these last few weeks packaging things to be sold.

Sorry if your not the sort of person I'm about to describe but I can't stand the, "Oh, I'm so hard done by" attitude of some people. I wouldn't say our family is that hard done by but we don't moan either. My parents work harder than a lot of my friends parents do who have office jobs and drive around in fancier cars but that's life. Just get on with it and quit moaning.

Seeing what my parents have to do to make a living it made me work harder at school in the hope to do something which I can earn a good bit of money at so I can be one of them people knocking off at 5.30 in my sports car on a Friday with nothing to worry about till Monday

Here, an S2 licence costs less than:
6 packs of smokes.
2 slabs of beer.
1.5 grams weed.
50L petrol.
3 music CDs.
45 mins Go Karting.
1 month pay tv subscription.
7 hours work at the minimum wage level.
Quote from keiran :
Seeing what my parents have to do to make a living it made me work harder at school in the hope to do something which I can earn a good bit of money at so I can be one of them people knocking off at 5.30 in my sports car on a Friday with nothing to worry about till Monday

"You get out what you put in" - a valuable lesson in life, and you're lucky to learn it early.

FWIW, I think I've got 3 friends to get LFS - I know at least 2 of them have as I bought them and was reimbursed.
Quote from farcar :Here, an S2 licence costs less than:
6 packs of smokes.
2 slabs of beer.
1.5 grams weed.
50L petrol.
3 music CDs.
45 mins Go Karting.
1 month pay tv subscription.
7 hours work at the minimum wage level.

here its around

18 packs of smoke
3 slabs of beer
4,5 gramms weed
30L petrol
2 music CDs
30 mins karting
2 months pay tv subscription
30 hours work at the minimum wage level

btw, i prepaid an s2 licence for my classmate, he got totally addicted
Unfortunately, i've only been able to get one of my friends hooked but as Jester said - "every little helps"!!
I probably have to wait until my birthday until I can get S2, and that's in November...

PS. Unless one of you buys it for my birthday
#17 - ekze
Quote from RevengeR :here its around

18 packs of smoke
3 slabs of beer
4,5 gramms weed
30L petrol
2 music CDs
30 mins karting
2 months pay tv subscription
30 hours work at the minimum wage level

btw, i prepaid an s2 licence for my classmate, he got totally addicted

LFS costs too much, compared to you, in Russia illepall
65 packs of smoke
8 slabs of beer
7 gramms weed
70L petrol
9 music CDs
35 mins karting
1 year pay tv subscription
1 month work at the minimum wage level

That's why there are so many demo racers in Russia... They just can't afford it =\
Would be great if the Devs will reduce price for Russia *just dreamin'*
So, the plan is to work in Australia go Go Karting, buy a LFS licence, then move to Russia or Hungary to spend your loot.
Although the differences in the value of LFS does suck.
#19 - Jakg
Quote from ekze :Would be great if the Devs will reduce price for Russia *just dreamin'*

not really, as i would feel ripped off (ok, i could NEVER feel ripped off in LFS as i love it so much i bought it twice!) if you paid less than i did simply because i could afford more
#20 - ekze
Localised licensed games costs in Russia $10, pirate copy $2. ^_^
Big companies, such as EA, are reducing prices for Russia and others poor countries ^_^
i dont think hungary is a 'rich' country (min. salary is around 250$), but we have all the games at full price. only flatout 2 comes in the 'EVM' (ezt vedd meg=buy this, usually they r old games for 10$.. ) serie for 10$, the rest is around 50-60$
#22 - ekze
Hungary is definitly "richer" than Russia. Min. salary is $55, but many people, which live not in commercial centers like St. Petersburg or Moscow, gets even less for their job.
So i think thats why there are so many frauders in Russia v_v
RevengeR same here, games are expensive as hell. Luckely none of them offer me no interest. Except LFS that is

Bout the price comparison, have no idea. Ciggies are over 2€ a pack, fuel (98 octane) is a bit over 1€ pr litre, haven't got a clue about bread, even less for weed(!), i only know how much beer costs in pubs, 24 or 30 minutes of electric go-karting (i can't remember but i think it's an 8 minute session there) and i haven't got a clue about the other stuff. I don't work (and i'm 17 years old) so i don't know what's the minimum wage.
Video game prices are really high for hungarians, and propably for many other countries, but who cares, the games out there are all sooo bad... I only
bought LFS and GPL as i can remember.
I earn more for a small weekend job (4-5 Saturdays/8hrs) than what i got for a full 40hr/week job back in Hungary.
Anyway, when i could afford to get an internet connection, i bought the licence too. 2 days after it

Sadly, now here i have to learn so much, that i cannot play that often..
And when the Octoberfest comes, i cannot drive cause i will be drunk

PS: my friend just bought a wheel, LFS is coming
He just needs a job