Only hotlaps are checked for shortcuts and only hotlaps have a global ranking list and download of the replay.
You can see your personal best laps (and personal bests of others) by visiting racer profiles on lfsworld, but there is no ranked list.
Worldrecord time for XFG at Blackwood Rally is 1:08.34 by jsrk.
His best online time is 1:07.660
Second fastest WR driver has chosen to hide online stats.
Third fastest is Datsuni with 1:08.560 for hotlap and 1:07.740 for online. Actually a bit faster than jrsk.
Maybe there are faster times but as said, there is no ranked list for that.
Gutholz, thank you for your detailed reply. The reason I asked was, I was racing the other day the guy I was racing with was doing 1:05's. I've done just over 11000 laps on BW rally, No one has ever called me fast, but this guy was pulling away from me, like I've never seen before.
Edit---Just checked the "online race stats" can't find the race. It was on the "France Pro Crash" server. It was just the 2 of us, someone else joined and he left. I even pulled over 1 race and rode along in his car. He had a bunch of symbols instead of a name something like "//oo\\. Probably the 21st or 22nd. It was late, but not that late. I really don't know what happened?
Whenever you encounter something strange, you can save a replay by pressing "2". Then you will be able to check the incident again and share here in the forum if needed
I think I found the race in your profile.
24 December 2022, user aislas is in three of your races.
In two races he does a 1min05 laptime.
On reverse Rallyecross it might be possible to be so much faster by cutting across the big graveltrap. But on normal direction it would be uphill and I doubt there are other places to gain so much time, at least not in XFG. I am not 100% sure though, maybe it is possible to run wider on the grass in places where the hotlap check is more strict with track limits.
Well, I wrote that before I noticed that aislas also has a 0:10.380 (10 seconds!) lap on BL Grandprix in XFG.
Next time, as Sobis wrote save the replay. Note that you can only save the replay once per race, so if you save on lap 1 then you can not save again until the race has restarted.
You can hold down CTRL+SHIFT and it will display the accountname instead of the customizable displayed name.
Hey @led204, as a person who made more than 20,000 laps with XFG on BL Rallycross and a lot of them in France Pro Crash. I can tell you that times under 1:08 are really really hard. It's impossible to make a time under 1:07 with XFG, especially 1:05. The person you played with is using some kind of a cheat. This is against the server rules and you can inform the admins, so they can take some action against him. If you save a replay with him and upload it here, you could probably help the developers figure out what cheat he used and patch that in the next update.
Gutholz thanks for looking into it,must of been the time difference that threw off my search did not consider looking past the 23rd. The CTRL+SHIFT shortcut, is new to me too thanks.
r3zp3k7 I learned a lot with this episode. I googled France Pro Crash yesterday and what came back resulted in "site not found" I will make a more serious effort today.
Unfortunately, I just checked and their website is really down. Sooner or later they'll show up in the game inside the server. I'm sure that they'll see that time and probably delete it and maybe ban the user.
The Rallycross laps became slower, but I think 1:07 is still possible probably only with shortcuts and from professional players like Laimiss, JSRK, and Datsuni.