The online racing simulator
Please do report crashes
(116 posts, started )
Thank you for that info, Charly. Unfortunately in this case the crash was in the D3D9 module, which is made by Microsoft, so I can't see what LFS code caused it, though we can suppose it was something graphical.

There may be a workaround if you can tell me the number in your cfg.txt on the line "Screen Flags" I will then suggest a number that could fix it. Actually you can do it yourself if you subtract 2097152 from the Screen Flags. That should prevent the list of events showing.

EDIT: On further thought, I realised your cfg.txt probably wasn't saved in 0.7C so your Screen Flags will not be above 2097152. In that case, please change the first line in the file to "Version 0.7C". Then it will not automatically switch on the list of events.

If that 'solves' the problem then we'll know it something to do with the list of events.

The other thing that may be useful is if you attach your deb.log after the crash (if it's not related to the List of Events).

If avoiding the list of events does solve it, I wonder what could be wrong. Could there be a corrupted png or jpg file in your cache\events folder? Are there any images in there at all?
hi, the cfg file had version 0.7C so that was not the issiue.
the game starts sometimes and works fine untill i close it and want to start again.

this is what my CFG file says:

Version 0.7C
Start Windowed 0
Welcome U 0
Borderless Window 0
Edition 0
Window 80 80 1360 1040
Adapter Select 0
ZBD Select 2
Speaker GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Control GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Show FPS 1
Sky Res 2
Mirror Internal 1
Mirror External 1
Clocks Internal 1
Clocks External 0
Control Mode 0 1
Steer KB 0
Next Shot 1
Shot Type 1
Thr Brk Rate 6.00
KB Steer Rate 0.40
KB Return Rate 0.20
KB Fast Mul 2.00
KB Slow Mul 0.50
KB Limit Mul 0.80
Update Path 2
Replay Skins 1
FF Steps 1
FF Skip 1
FF Strength 25.00
Fuel Start 50
Fuel Pit 30
Tyre Limit 30
Strategy 1
MP Speedup Opt 1
Auto Get Skins 1
Helmet Skins 1
Instant Look 0
Look Function 0
Steer Look Amount 1.00
Steer Look Reduce 0.00
View Filter Rate 0.20
View Horizon Prop 100.00
Tilt DPG 1.00
LSPG 0.000
FSPG 0.000
VSPG 0.000
Camera Delay 1.00
MP Draw Dist 300.00
Dynamic Lod 0.50
Rubber Lay 0.60
Rubber Dark 0.80
Dynamic Reflections 8
G3D_OPTIONS 0 0 0 0 2 1 1
G3D_HMD_IPD 50.0
Test Shadows 0
Vertical Sync 0
MIP_BIAS_NORM -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0
MIP_BIAS_RIFT 0.0 0.0 -0.5 -1.0
Main LOD 1.00
Dust LOD 1.00
Screen Info 0 165 2560 1440
TrackEd Speed 65536
ModelEd Speed 65536
Editor Options 4
Screen Flags 2150915
Audio Options 24
Sun Colour 0 0 0
Sky High 150 160 200
Ground Col 40 40 40
Background 30 30 30
Back Texture 100 100 100
FOX Dash 64 96 128
BF1 Dash 48 48 255
FO8 Dash 200 32 32
FBM Dash 96 128 96
Road Gear LED 48 48 255
Split Text 200 200 200
Clock Text 200 200 200
Clock Needle 200 32 32
Editor FOV 60.0
View Smooth 0.2
Transition 2.0
Button Look 45
FV Lag 0.1
FV Height 0.5
FV Pitch 12.0
FV Dist 6.0
FV Dir 0
View Lock 0
Map Name Blackwood
Ply Name ^7THORNIS^1^vRVT
Master Port 29339
Auto Kick 3
Location 0
Server Name ^7Just a Drift-^8Session
Selected Car XRT JP326~001
Setup Name tajm new
Colours Name DEFAULT
Find User
Game Name
Game IP auto
Game Port 63392
Game Pass
Game Admin
Language English
S1 Mode 3
Upload Bandwidth 128
Setup Index -1
Colours Index -1
Lighting 0
Flip 2
Config 4
Race Start 1
Combined Non Linear 0.00
Turn Compensation 1.00
Mouse Non Linear 0.80
Steer Smooth 0.00
Speed Steer Reduction WM 0.00
Half Reduce Speed m/s WM 50.00
Speed Steer Reduction KB 1.00
Half Reduce Speed m/s KB 50.00
SHIFT_F9 0 165 1024 768
Mods Screen 0 2
Disable Anim View 1
Driver Pos View 0
Show Names 1
Show Mouse 0
Internal Show 0
Show Map 2
Start Lights 2
Skill Level 4
Blob Size 6
Windowed Link 0
No Trees 1
No Flags 1
No Rubber 1
Music Dir data\ogg
MUSIC 10.0
BEEPS 10.0
CAR_V 20.0
ECHO_B 0.5
SKID_B 0.5
WIND_B 0.5
Sound Delay 0.08
Text Size 0.050
Car Highlight 2048 15
Music Channel 3
Antialiasing 4
Mirror AA 1
Filter AF 8
Local Skins DDS 1
Shadow Mode 2
Max FPS 100
Game Limit FPS 1
Min Sleep 1
Buffered Frames 1
Shift Debounce 20
Half Tex Res 0
Dedicated Host 0
AI Use Ply Setup 0
AI Use Ply Colours 0
SPR Auto Save 1
MPR Auto Save 1
MPR Message Block 0
Options 1
Ed Char Size 0
Max Conns 8
Modem Type 3
Packs Per Sec 6
Cars In Race 4
Cars Per Guest 1
Cars Per Host 1
Admin Slots 1
MP Rules 1048575
MP Flags 15395
MP Filter 260
Rules_Y 0
Rules_N 0
Flags_Y 0
Flags_N 0
Conn To Master 1
OutSim Mode 0
OutSim Delay 1
OutSim IP
OutSim Port 0
OutSim ID 0
OutSim Opts 0
OutGauge Mode 0
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 0
OutGauge ID 0
FN_J MS PGothic
FN_H Microsoft JhengHei
FN_S Gadugi
FN_K Gadugi
FW_J 600
FW_H 600
FW_S 600
FW_K 600
I am drawing a blank at the moment. Shrug

I've got two things to suggest.

1) At one time when you can run LFS, try entering /eventlist=no so it does not try to load the list of events. If this seems to stop the problem then we can suppose it may be related to the new list of events.

2) Please try using the attached file, which is the LFS.exe from 0.7B. Sometimes, people have upgraded LFS and coincidentally something changed on their computer at around the same time (e.g. graphics driver update, etc). This can mean the user attributes the problem to a bug in LFS, when actually it's just a coincidence. So it's a good idea to try using 0.7B and see if you get the same problem then.
Attached files - 1018 KB - 239 views
When I click driver/username in "Join Specific Host" window and open driver options, when I click "OK", LFS just shuts off. Doesn't matter if anything was changed in these options or not. Happens when choosing "Join Specific Host" in main menu as well as after choosing server from Multiplayer list.

Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62501fa8
Faulting module name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62501fa8
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000f38d
Faulting process ID: 0x11b4
Faulting application start time: 0x01d84dd40c776f68
Faulting application path: C:\LFS\LFS.exe
Faulting module path: C:\LFS\LFS.exe
Report ID: cca00412-6c9e-4cb5-816d-5f57e4b0765a
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
Wow, thanks, I got that too!
Reshade error (VuckyZ123) DELETED by Scawen : not a crash - error in 3rd party shader
well, the error started when I took the 3D from a friend and put it in my car, it was a subobject of the engine, I put my textures and everything was fine, the lfs editor didn't show any problem, but inside the game, when I click on the my car in the MODS tab, the game just crashes, even online, even offline

Nome do aplicativo com falha: LFS.exe, versão:, carimbo de data/hora: 0x62596d7f
Nome do módulo com falha: unknown, versão:, carimbo de data/hora: 0x00000000
Código de exceção: 0xc0000005
Deslocamento da falha: 0x1d0658e0
ID do processo com falha: 0x59c
Hora de início do aplicativo com falha: 0x01d88416d745ac2b
Caminho do aplicativo com falha: D:\lfs\LFS.exe
Caminho do módulo com falha: unknown
ID do Relatório: 7976a60d-3b02-4541-9140-a160340d042e
Nome completo do pacote com falha:
I was racing on Just A Ride with the Moto Cart, right after I finished a lap and pressed shift+p, then the game froze on the pit screen, but it had nothing in it except a button.

Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Faulting module name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000849bf
Faulting process ID: 0x108c
Faulting application start time: 0x01d8a26ff69cbc12
Faulting application path: C:\LFS\LFS.exe
Faulting module path: C:\LFS\LFS.exe
Report ID: 42e8cacb-b596-4324-b189-28cd4dd5222f
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
I was on TC city driving, I alt tabbed to launch explorer and save the mpr (copy and paste it in the same folder, so it doesnt end) and the game started lagging my sound, then it crashed

Bojātās lietojumprogrammas nosaukums: LFS.exe, versija:, laikspiedols: 0x62596d7f
Bojātā moduļa nosaukums: LFS.exe, versija:, laikspiedols: 0x62596d7f
Izņēmuma kods: 0xc0000005
Bojājuma nobīde: 0x00175d94
Bojātā procesa ID: 0x2f98
Bojātās lietojumprogrammas startēšanas laiks: 0x01d8c2b5f83d13e0
Bojātās lietojumprogrammas ceļš: C:\LFS\LFS.exe
Bojātā moduļa ceļš: C:\LFS\LFS.exe
Atskaites ID: a2274f33-0315-46c3-acbb-3129a4a02452
Bojātās pakotnes pilnais nosaukums:
Bojātās pakotnes relatīvais lietojumprogrammas ID:
It's been a few months since I last played Live for Speed (Version 0.7D), at which time it was working perfectly.

Now, when I try to run it, I always get a black screen for a few seconds, then it crashes.

Here's an example of the information from the Event Viewer:

Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0021080a
Faulting process id: 0x5894
Faulting application start time: 0x01d90601e4b7e65d
Faulting application path: D:\LFS\LFS.exe
Faulting module path: unknown
Report Id: 7e27c7ba-2b6e-4cb5-a7f8-233e9cadea07
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

I'm not sure how useful that is, though, as the Fault Offset is different every time I try to run it? For example, for a couple of subsequent attempts, I see:

Fault offset: 0x002e08fa
Fault offset: 0x000e0aae

I suspect the problem is related to the software/hardware configuration of my PC, as I installed Version 0.6V on a different drive, and when I try to run it, it also crashes. But version 0.7D starts fine on a different PC?

Any advice that might enable me to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry, I've just noticed that this sub-forum is for vehicle mods! Admin, please feel free to relocate my post above.
Two dogs, unfortunately the crash occurs in module "unknown" which means I can't get anything from the fault address. Can you try a workaround I suggested to charly.thorngren above?

The idea is to edit cfg.txt and look at "Screen Flags". If it contains a number 2097152 or above, subtract 2097152 from the number, save cfg.txt then start LFS.

That will disable the event list, which appears on the entry screen and is one of the newest things in LFS. I remember someone had a crash but was able to use LFS after disabling the event list.
Quote from GabrielArtur :well, the error started when I took the 3D from a friend and put it in my car, it was a subobject of the engine, I put my textures and everything was fine, the lfs editor didn't show any problem, but inside the game, when I click on the my car in the MODS tab, the game just crashes, even online, even offline

Thank you for the report, but unfortunately as the fault is in module "unknown" I can't track it down. Maybe if you attach the .veh file I can try loading it and see if I get the crash is a debug version?

Quote from Latvian Video :I was racing on Just A Ride with the Moto Cart, right after I finished a lap and pressed shift+p, then the game froze on the pit screen, but it had nothing in it except a button.

Quote from Latvian Video :I was on TC city driving, I alt tabbed to launch explorer and save the mpr (copy and paste it in the same folder, so it doesnt end) and the game started lagging my sound, then it crashed

Thanks for the reports. Both of the fault addresses are in LFS but they are in such commonly used functions (related to sending a 3D model into D3D ready for use by the GPU) that it can't really be those functions that are to blame. It must be a fault higher up in a calling function or if D3D has somehow got messed up. I can't really tell but do let me know if you see a similar crash again.
Quote from Scawen :Two dogs, unfortunately the crash occurs in module "unknown" which means I can't get anything from the fault address. Can you try a workaround I suggested to charly.thorngren above?

The idea is to edit cfg.txt and look at "Screen Flags". If it contains a number 2097152 or above, subtract 2097152 from the number, save cfg.txt then start LFS.

That will disable the event list, which appears on the entry screen and is one of the newest things in LFS. I remember someone had a crash but was able to use LFS after disabling the event list.

Scawen, thanks for your prompt response!

Unfortunately, that made no difference. Frown

As I said, I expect it's somehow related to changes to software/hardware changes on my PC since I last used played Live for Speed, and if I ever manage to figure out what and get it working again I'll post the outcome here
Thanks for the reply. One thing you could do if you have a minuate: try the 7B exe, which is attached to a post in this thread:

It'll be no problem to rename your 7D exe to something else and put this one in its place. If 7B works that could tell us something.
Quote from Scawen :Thanks for the reply. One thing you could do if you have a minuate: try the 7B exe, which is attached to a post in this thread:

It'll be no problem to rename your 7D exe to something else and put this one in its place. If 7B works that could tell us something.

Scawen, thanks for your continued help.

There was no difference with the 7B exe. Frown

I've attached the debug log files for the latest attempt on my gaming PC, and for an installation of 7D on a different PC that loads OK, in case that may help you narrow down where the problem may be.

The last entry in the log file when LFS crashes on my gaming PC is always "end of initialisation", so it's failing between there and the logging of the "Blackwood" entry, as seen on the 7D log.
Attached files
deb-7B.txt - 872 B - 181 views
deb-7D.txt - 1.5 KB - 177 views
I think this is smth on my end, but sometimes my wheel unplugs, resets, loses connection and lfs crashes, recently has happened a lot

Bojātās lietojumprogrammas nosaukums: LFS.exe, versija:, laikspiedols: 0x62596d7f
Bojātā moduļa nosaukums: tmffbdrv.dll_unloaded, versija:, laikspiedols: 0x55a8162f
Izņēmuma kods: 0xc0000005
Bojājuma nobīde: 0x00006627
Bojātā procesa ID: 0x1b40
Bojātās lietojumprogrammas startēšanas laiks: 0x01d90ed37b99810a
Bojātās lietojumprogrammas ceļš: C:\LFS\LFS.exe
Bojātā moduļa ceļš: tmffbdrv.dll
Atskaites ID: cda2d212-048c-4e02-8a85-2f3b2dba2fcb
Bojātās pakotnes pilnais nosaukums:
Bojātās pakotnes relatīvais lietojumprogrammas ID:
Caught multiple crashes yesterday. Never happened before. LFS worked as a clockwork all the time before.

Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Faulting module name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Exception code: 0xc0000095
Fault offset: 0x0010b257
Faulting process id: 0x1730
Faulting application start time: 0x01d922c8f989e423
Faulting application path: D:\GAMES\Live For Speed\S3\Live For Speed S3 (0.7A)\Live For Speed S3 (07A)\LFS.exe
Faulting module path: D:\GAMES\Live For Speed\S3\Live For Speed S3 (0.7A)\Live For Speed S3 (07A)\LFS.exe
Report Id: ee6777e9-c464-42ab-969e-ff859ade784e
Faulting package full name:

Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Faulting module name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00022fcb
Faulting process id: 0x105c
Faulting application start time: 0x01d922ccf5a535ee
Faulting application path: D:\GAMES\Live For Speed\S3\Live For Speed S3 (0.7A)\Live For Speed S3 (07A)\LFS.exe
Faulting module path: D:\GAMES\Live For Speed\S3\Live For Speed S3 (0.7A)\Live For Speed S3 (07A)\LFS.exe
Report Id: 3ab50165-1d5e-46ed-9e2d-fbf194ef3cca
Faulting package full name:

Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Faulting module name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00046bf6
Faulting process id: 0x1340
Faulting application start time: 0x01d922e4d54ed8f1
Faulting application path: D:\GAMES\Live For Speed\S3\Live For Speed S3 (0.7A)\Live For Speed S3 (07A)\LFS.exe
Faulting module path: D:\GAMES\Live For Speed\S3\Live For Speed S3 (0.7A)\Live For Speed S3 (07A)\LFS.exe
Report Id: 1699dd92-7293-449f-bfcf-3a7569cc07d2
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
I don't see a connection between those. What were the circumstances?
Quote from Scawen :I don't see a connection between those. What were the circumstances?

At the moment of crashes I was cruising at overpopulated car-mod server "Just a Ride" with 46/46 users. Nothing special. Just a relaxing fast runs around Westhill with some traffic.
Right before that i participated in Street Drift Series, Round 3, which required a sign-up. It was my first sign-up ever. I was redirected to sign-up from LFS main screen.

The only uncommon thing in my hardware this year is a different Android 8.0.0 phone that freezes USB-modem connection in LFS from time to time so I need to reconnect, which never happened with previous phone (it's only my suspicions ATM).
Crash to desktop only happened yesterday in these three cases.
Quote from Snoop.DriftEra :At the moment of crashes I was cruising at overpopulated car-mod server "Just a Ride" with 46/46 users. Nothing special. Just a relaxing fast runs around Westhill with some traffic.
Right before that i participated in Street Drift Series, Round 3, which required a sign-up. It was my first sign-up ever. I was redirected to sign-up from LFS main screen.

The only uncommon thing in my hardware this year is a different Android 8.0.0 phone that freezes USB-modem connection in LFS from time to time so I need to reconnect, which never happened with previous phone (it's only my suspicions ATM).
Crash to desktop only happened yesterday in these three cases.

Ive had moments when lfs crashes because of smth related to the usb wheel unplugging, but it cant be replicated and idk why exactly it happened. I cant recall if I posted the logs here.

Edit: scrolled a few replies up, found it Smile
My LFS Editor crashed after clicking "reload textures", sadly I can't reproduce it.

Exception code: 0xc0000005
Error offset: 0x0012d626

Using version 0.7D12.
Thanks for the report. From the crash address, I believe when you clicked reload textures you were in cutout mode of the modeller, and no cutout was selected. In that case it references uninitialised memory and may or may not crash (usually not, apparently). I've fixed it in my version so will update today.

I also found the same bug in page mode so that is fixed too.
LFS Editor crashed few times when I click reload textures in map mode (wire). It doesn't happen every time, 4 times in the last few days. The screenshot attached is taken at the moment of the crash.

Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000c2a54

Version 0.7D13

Edit: It just crashed again when I reloaded textures in map mode (with wireframe model enabled)
Attached images
Thanks, I've reproduced and fixed this crash on reload textures in map mode with wireframe view.

I'll look at the suggestion threads and see if I can do anything else simple, for an update this afternoon.

EDIT: Fixed in Editor Test Patch D14:

Please do report crashes
(116 posts, started )