other online games you play
(55 posts, started )
In order of how recently I last played them:
Live For Speed, Day of Defeat:Source, CounterStrike:Source, Dawn of War, World of Warcraft, Half-Life 2eathmatch, Anarchy Online, Everquest

Anything after DoD:S I haven't played for months at least; haven't played EQ for years. I play Oblivion every now and then too, but that's singleplayer. I also have an NES and about 30 games that still gets regular use; I'm about halfway through Legend of Zelda at the moment. My PS2 and N64 mostly just gather dust nowadays.
Basically LFS is the only game that fills 99% of my gaming time. The 1% consists of many small games, like I played the some scifi mmorpg for a month, name of which I can't remember, or the random 3d shooters. Just tried that FEAR multiplayer thing and it really didn't feel anything special. Soldier of fortune 2 felt better and it's much older.

Not sure but there may be a free 14 day trial for EVE, any LFSsers interested?

One of my mates showed that to me while back, but it was too close to the April update to really get me attention. Maybe give it a shot...
Quote from MataGyula :Soldat !! ^_^ CoD:UO,GTA San Andreas MP . Thats all :/

Quote from Funnybear :Did that mean anything? Could anyone translate that for me?

Sorry, I will write it correctly now
I'm playing a little 2D online shooter called Soldat (The link is in my signature by the way) . I used to play Call of Duty : United Offensive on Local Area Network with friends, but I haven't played it for quite a long time :/
And last but not least, I have played Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas with the MultiPlayer mod. It is funny, but after playing it for a few days, it was boring :P
Hope I was clear this time, and sorry again
Yeah,Soldat is great from time to time.

Quote from MataGyula :Sorry, I will write it correctly now
I'm playing a little 2D online shooter called Soldat (The link is in my signature by the way) . I used to play Call of Duty : United Offensive on Local Area Network with friends, but I haven't played it for quite a long time :/
And last but not least, I have played Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas with the MultiPlayer mod. It is funny, but after playing it for a few days, it was boring :P
Hope I was clear this time, and sorry again

Ahhh. Now I get it. Thankyou.

And I forgot to add Eve:online to my list of Online gaming.
Joint Operations
The only game I play online other than LFS, is Operation Flashpoint. It's abit outdated now, but I can't find a newer game that comes close to it's greatness, can't say that I've looked very hard though.
I haven't been to the forums forever.....

LFS was the first online game I have tried. I raced Indycar Racing 2 offline for 10 years as it was the only thing that would run on my PC. Made my own schedules with downloaded tracks and raced full length races with 36+ race seasons. Ran a total of 8 of them. Got a new hand-me-down PC that was able to run NR2003, so ran almost a full 36 race stock season with that until I found LFS.

I ran LFS online for around 8 months before I picked up MS Flight Sim and tried that online. I dabbled with that for a few days here and there, but would normally always plug the wheel in and load up LFS. Lately I have been swapping back and forth between racing and flying usually about a month and a half at a time now. I fly at www.wspilots.com where they upload a hoplist tour every month on the server. It's basically a tour around general areas, such as this month is the Alaskan coastline. I did that for a month or two now, so I'm back in the last few nights with LFS again.
There are other online games? what like GTR n'stuff
I play Halo 2 on Xbox Live, and ocasionally I go online on Forza, but that's it. I don't play any other online PC games, lol
Anarchy Online.

I tried Enemy Territory and liked it, but at one point it started freezing everytime I joined a game. Should propably re-install it.
www.theshiponline.com now that is a funny online game i've recently started playing. Also spend a fair amount of time playing Battlefield 2
LFS, BF2, RBR, Soldat, LOMAC:FC, Counter Strike: Source, GTL, FS9 and occasionally Worms 2
Quote from Cropsy :The only game I play online other than LFS, is Operation Flashpoint. It's abit outdated now, but I can't find a newer game that comes close to it's greatness, can't say that I've looked very hard though.

Same for me

Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer
Unreal Tournament 2004
Counter-Strike Source
Day of Defeat Source
Live for Speed
Battlefield 2
I play anything if i have time, DOD Source, Raven Shield, Americas Army, need for speed 3 ohh and 1 Prey, Counter Strike, Transport Tycoon (the pc version ) NHL 06... cant be arsed to list the rest!

one more classic to add, i recently managed to get Blood by Monolith to work so i have been playing that too

Other than LFS it's Battlefield 2. Haven't played it for almost 2 months, got bored waiting for the new patch and all the god damn bugs!
Quote from ShibbyMan666 :www.theshiponline.com now that is a funny online game i've recently started playing. Also spend a fair amount of time playing Battlefield 2

I'm tempted to buy that once it is officially released for a laugh, anything original gets my thumbs up.
- Live For Speed
- Live For Speed
- Live For Speed
- Live For Speed

(hmm, lets try something different)

- LockOn: Flaming Cliffs
- CounterStrike 1.6

This is all what I need for online gaming.
And about OPF. I tried it online some time ago(BTW, I am pretty proud that OPF is a game from Czech developers), but I found that there are just a few servers for a serious game today. But I love it offline - we spent hours nad hours with my frined by making our own missions and campagins(where are those days when I was able to script a chopper fall or a bombing attack.... :cry
#47 - CSU1
WarRock has me hooked atm, can't see it lasting though it's a bit hectic
Quote from tonix :Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe


Thank you very much! I used to play the original a lot (although shamefully a pirated version).

I play:
Nascar Racing 2003
Quake 2
Wolfenstein ET
IL2 Sturmovik
Fear Combat
I used to play UT2003 (iCTF) very very much. Now I play only LFS once a day, Flatout 2 once a week and BF2 once a month.
Quote from Eddster :I'm tempted to buy that once it is officially released for a laugh, anything original gets my thumbs up.

Believe me it is hilarious to play online especially the whole paranoia thing and generally running away from everyone with a weapon. It's originality is what makes it great lol.

other online games you play
(55 posts, started )