81/NicoFrende/Nicolas Frende/Argentina
Quote from jmeade :98/jmeade/Jared Meade/Canada/SAVAGE Angus Racing

updated, added team
spoilers: rleb and flame will be doing the same
97/rik97/Rik Kardol/the Netherlands/Team S1DUS
#29 - RLeb
Quote from RLeb :59/rleb/Reg LeBlanc/Canada/SAVAGE Angus Racing

Updated team
47/pianomen/Jeremias Zanella/Argentina
69/btluto/Brenno Almeida/Brazil/Roda Presa Racing Team
Quote from Huskii :54/Huskii/Ross McKenzie/DatHuski Racing Team

Please insert your nationality between your full name and team name.

Quote from btluto :69/btluto/Brenno Almeida

Please provide your nationality.

If you both do not provide your nationality, we will follow what your nation is listed as in your profile on the LFS site.
87/nikopdr/Niko Puntola/Finland/Pacifi.Tech
30/facu23/Matias Galván/Argentina/Kind Runners
71/Leandro918/Leandro Vargas/Venezuela/Furtive Racing
45/Yasso7up/Yassin Bidal/Italy/Department of Defence
79/Santi91/Santiago Reyes/Uruguay/Top Racing
Entries are now closed for round 1. If you need to make any changes, please PM the following:

dekojester, michal 1279, jonathon.provost

Entries will reopen following the conclusion of the round.
Entries re-opened following round 1
12/Aliberk Delice/Aliberk Delice/Turkey/Turkish E-Prix Team
61/HL_Nano/Leonardo Valenzise/Argentina/Hormiga Loca Racing
8/MrWave/William Davis/United Kingdom/
2/3rdGear/Brandon Chen/USA/BC Racing
#44 - TJbr
99/TJbr/Theo Jose/Brazil/Roda Presa Racing Team
Entry Lockout has now started for Round 2.

Entries will open again an hour after Round 2 has finished.
Entries open for additions/changes/deletions again following round 2.
67/SerGalactic/Aaron Schmidt/Malaysia/D.Gen TeamFaith Racing
Entries are closed for Round 3.

Entries will open after Round 3 is complete, and the list will be purged of non-attendees who have not participated in any race meeting and have not confirmed a "no" at any point in the season.
Quote from JohnT2005 :76/johnt2005/John Madigan/Australia/Gum Garage

Quote from naanashi :20/naanashi/Gabriel Felipe/Brazil/Racers Team

Quote from htunsal :11/htunsal/Hasan Talha Ünsal/Turkey/Master Race car

Quote from NicoFrende :81/NicoFrende/Nicolas Frende/Argentina

Quote from Santi91 :79/Santi91/Santiago Reyes/Uruguay/Top Racing

Quote from Aliberk Delice :12/Aliberk Delice/Aliberk Delice/Turkey/Turkish E-Prix Team

Quote from HL_Nano :61/HL_Nano/Leonardo Valenzise/Argentina/Hormiga Loca Racing

Quote from 3rdGear :2/3rdGear/Brandon Chen/USA/BC Racing

The above listed drivers have been removed from the entry list for no series activity since signup. These numbers are released for use again.

The drivers here may re-enter the series by quoting their post and stating that they re-enter, but will have to ensure that their number is still free before doing so.

Car 16 withdrew from the series without notice to the race administration. This car is also dropped from the entry list. Drivers are reminded that if they make ANY change to their entry, they must edit their OP, quote the post, and state the change made (including withdrawal)
Entries opened again after Round 3!
This thread is closed