I know that many things are already possible. But setup control is the keystone of the system I'm thinking of. Without a fixed or limited setup, it won't work (not massively enough).
I would like to remove a possible ambiguity. I'm not saying that having scheduled events is wrong. I hope you don't understand it that way

. I say that this offer can only, by nature, interest a small portion of potential players.
What you are doing is very good. Your results are good too, as far as is possible in this way.
The problem with doing things before thinking about them (I'm teasing you

) is that you deal with what is possible to do. You only reproduce the same principle, with the same constraints, for more or less results.
The third category I am talking about would allow us to rediscover the magical simplicity of the origins. Which worked wonderfully well before. In three clicks we chose a car in the garage to race with anyone, at the time that suited us. The only possible disappointment was to arrive on a rallycross track

With scheduled events, you have to fill in a profile (here or elsewhere), find out about the news, select an event, prepare for it, hoping not to have fallen asleep on the wheel before race time.
The immediate pleasure of playing has turned into a constraint over time. On the path between the pleasure and the constraint, you have already lost a lot of people.
Community operations (that's what it's all about) seem to me anachronistic and outdated, unable to satisfy the players of today and tomorrow (I could be wrong too).
The problem with a community is that it exhausted and it dies. There are always more people outside than inside. Above all, over time, the community develops its own culture with its codes, its initiation rites, its vernacular language, its ostracisms, its clans, its internal conflicts and its bitterness. Over time, a community ends up talking only to itself and isolating itself from the rest of the world.
This is what happened with LFS. In 20 years, we have gone from a brilliant game open to everyone to a tool developed specifically to satisfy a group of individuals. Seen from outside the community, no one understands anything anymore about it. As you rightly reminded us, we now have more choices than in 2004. There is therefore no need to make the effort to understand. This phenomenon is so significant that journalists no longer make the difference between the game and its community. Over time, communitarianism has done more harm to LFS than the latencies in its development.
LFS is today a piece of history out of contemporary time. And this fact has little to do with the extraordinary qualities of the game and the expected updates.
The LFS community is great, nothing to say about it. The problem is not there. My point is not a disguised criticism of the LFS community. The game must once again bring itself within the reach of the public. This is what needs to be changed.
A new category open with a real challenge, in which everyone has the same chances at the start, clearly defined and identifiable (not drowned in the middle of servers with offers that are unreadable by ordinary mortals), would make it possible to reconnect with a contemporary public who does not seek more necessarily to integrate a community to have the right to taste the pleasure of driving.
That's what it's all about: driving. No need to make a bunch of friends or be judged on your pedigree. We have real life for that and that's good enough

However. It's always the same story. LFS is one of the few places in this world where God sees

and hears you

. If you are lucky, God answers you and/or performs a small miracle for you. The faithful have therefore gathered and they hold the place. They are the guardians of the temple and the guarantors of orthodoxy and its traditions. The faithful always begin by applauding miracles, then they await them with more or less impatience, finally they claim them. It is a very human reflex.
The doors of the chapel must however be opened from time to time to renew the oxygen. What I am talking about has no other purpose. I have nothing to gain personally. Other than being called an old troll (that's done

) and wasting a bit of my time.