OK. Before I go on, please realize I don't know a thing about coding. I do know that this game really wasn't geared for single player racing. Unless you want to count hot lapping. Now we have mod vehicles. A lot of them out there. You can't run a whole field of these modded cars in single player. And that makes sense cause you can't just code A.I. cars for every single mod that pops up. In LFS the A.I. cars are coded cars. The driver is in the car to look pretty and I guess provide weight. So what about coding the driver instead? How far away are we, technologically, from having the ability to have that? I don't mean sentience like those chat bots. Basically what I mean is something that's marginally more intelligent than the A.I. car. If you could do that with the drivers, then you could pretty much use whatever modded vehicle you want. I know now that this concept falls under the realm of possibility. Just not so sure about practicality. Has any thought been given to this? Or is it "Hell no! And don't bring it up again!" ?