A layout-building helper to hold multiple, nameable groups of objects which can be saved to file.
- Click the group's name to change it
- Click 'set' to assign the selected objects to that group
- Click 'set' with no selected objects to clear the group
- Click 'get' to load a saved group into the hand/cursor
- Click 'place' to place the objects in their original position
- Click the filename to change it
- Click 'save' to save the current groups and names to file
- Click 'load' to load from file
Here's a quick demo video by way of a guide:
PIE executable (https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/98929)
InSim enabled in LFS (port 29999 default)

- Click the group's name to change it
- Click 'set' to assign the selected objects to that group
- Click 'set' with no selected objects to clear the group
- Click 'get' to load a saved group into the hand/cursor
- Click 'place' to place the objects in their original position
- Click the filename to change it
- Click 'save' to save the current groups and names to file
- Click 'load' to load from file
Here's a quick demo video by way of a guide:
PIE executable (https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/98929)
InSim enabled in LFS (port 29999 default)