And that would be cool to unify shortcuts even more to the blender as much as possible, and it's not because I've working in blender for 15 years
, but because most of the modmakers who model mash themselves do it in the blender.
Editor mode selection:
SHIFT+S: subob
SHIFT+T: tri
SHIFT+P: point
SHIFT+B: build
SHIFT+M: map
SHIFT+C: cutout
SHIFT+G: page
SHIFT+V: view
S: select selection's points / select connected triangles
X: hide selected (points or triangles)
SHIFT+X: hide unselected
ALT+X: unhide all
It doesn't look to me a well unified for blender. I understand that you wanted to come up with new keyboard shortcuts for the first letter of operation like in blender, but this replaces some keys that could be used like in blender.
Basic Default Blender key shortcuts.
After selecting some mesh -
S - Scale
R - Rotate
G - Grab
E - Extrude
H - Hide
I - Insert
F - Make a Face (or edge, for point connection)
M - Merge points
X - Deliting mesh options (like dissolving with keeping geometry will be useful in blender (pic1))
J - Join point through mesh with straight line
that works with no selected mesh
A - Select all
B - Box selection
C - Brush selection (circle of selection that u can change size by mouse scroll)
Z - Changing view modes pie menu (ill use old fashon Z switch to wire\solid shading)
K - Knife (You just drawing a new join selection points over mesh)
T\N Show up or hide side menus (Modeler kinda have it, will be nice if they can be hide for screenshots or something.
Shift+R - Loop cut
Sfift+A - Add something (like mesh primitives or lights etc)
Shift+D - Dublicate selected mesh
Shift+N - Recalculate normals
Sfift+G - Select similar (edges, faces etc)
Ctrl+B for bevel (will be nice if modeler can do something like that)
the big advantage of blender is that it often uses axes in shortcuts
You can do in a free view for example S+Y+2 - and that scale selected mesh on Y axis in 2 times.
Or R+X+90 Rotate selected mesh on X axis on 90 degrees.
And blender also has mouse controls for many of these commands.
For example if you select point in blender G+X and mouse moving move that point on X axis.
It would be cool if you can do something similar in the modeler
Or you just can do select - S in a free view and everthing selected will be scaled by mouse move in all axis, and origin of scaling will be center of mesh by defoult but it can be chaged to something else (pic2))
To switch between modes I would choose - 1 For Subobject mode, 2 for triangle mode 3 for point mode, etc.
This seems to me the most intuitive way to switch between modes, in blender with nombers you switch between layers in collection. But it's debatable. Although the latest blender versions of blender Tab pie menu is used to switching between modes. But persanally ill choose old fashon Tab switch between Edite/Object mode.
With Alt in blender you do a opposite thing.
So if H - hide
Alt+H - unhide.
A - select all
Alt+A - clear selection
But all that makes little significance compared to the upcoming graphics and physics update, and we can still work in the modeller, so I hope that the developers are now focused on the more important update. Unification of the modeller can be done later.