The online racing simulator
Heusinkveld Sprints issue - HELP
Hello, I have an isssue that my HV sprints only work when I select them in contollers, when i have main page of controls up it shows my shifter, wheel and sprints but only the wheel and shifter/handbrake work in game. If I then select the pedels, ie option 3 for me in the menu and not showing the wheel and shifter in the options menu, I then can use the pedals but no other input, can anyone help a new user, Ive been at this for a few days, ive tried google and the dedicated lfs discord but was steered to here. To be clear, the pedels are working just not all my inputs together work. (its not an inverted issue)

Wheel simucube sport
SG combo shifter
Hv sprints

Edit image 1 Shifter and wheel work ok

image 2 on pedels working

** Best answer **
This question has been asked and answered a few times already.

Briefly, do not select any particular controller. When you move any input it should be registered in the blue/yellow axis bars, there you can see which input corresponds to which axis, then use it and assign to the lfs input control you want. The only requirement is that the car steering axis must be set to your wheel steering axis (usually named X-axis) in order for the ffb to work.

some suggestion for other settings:
wheel turn 1080 or 900 (or whatever you set in your wheel drivers)
ffb strength: 15%
ffb steps: 10000
ffb rate: 100Hz

edit: each of your controllers have a long list of axis (more than 20 in total), so make sure to view all of them, there is a scroll button so you may not even see that particular axis is actually moving until you scroll down
thanks i hadnt realised i would have so many possible axis, it was hidden down the bottom

and thanks for the settings advice