The online racing simulator
LFS carsound expansion
(267 posts, started )
Wow awesome job! I know it's not finished and there are some little quirks but the sound is incredible on my woofer.

In the next few days I predict alot more BF1 servers.

Is it possible to enable this sound on all the cars?
Just tried out your bf1 sound mod. Ultra impressed, thank you very much
Great job with the BF1 sound!
:wow: yamakawa really nice work!
I want more
very very nice

i dislike samples but this might just get a few people to finally buy lfs
now all it needs is a volume slider and a tc sound

btw is ther any way to turn off the lfs engine sounds without losing all skid and crash etc sound ?
I dont think its turned off, but the new sounds are very loud, so i cant hear the tyres anymore .

But an awsome mod
The link does work for me.
(No, the link isn't my employee )

But I have a suggestion:
Would it be possible to only play back gearbox sounds and keep the engine-sound of LFS? That way all information of the sound is kept (including tyre sounds) but the sound gains a lot of immersion.
But I have no idea where to get samples of *only* the gearbox...

Quote from yamakawa :Small update v0.02:
added TC & starter sound.

hmmm i cant hear the tc ... and theres no tc sample in the bf1 folder

Quote :Is it better to attach a volume slider?


and somebody should dare to request a engine volume slider in the test patch thread
Quote from Shotglass :somebody should dare to request a engine volume slider in the test patch thread

We allready have it. Well, it's a car sound volume, but that's basicly the engine.
Only me who hears how yamakawa's samples are ever so slightly out of tune with LFS' engine note?

The program and the samples really do work/sound great, but combined with the original sound the bf1 sings a never-ending out-of-tune note to me.
Would someone please make a video/audio preview of yamas work?
Here is a clip i recorded at KY3.
Attached files
soundexpansion.mp3 - 520.4 KB - 439 views
Quote from felplacerad :Would someone please make a video/audio preview of yamas work?

And it features you!
Attached files
felyama.rar - 1.9 MB - 399 views
Alrighty then! Thank you w4h and lur. (/)
awesome work Yama(..)! now.. dare i ask you to do a few of the other cars aswell.. since this Jacek seems to have layed low for quite a while!
Quote from Blackout :We allready have it. Well, it's a car sound volume, but that's basicly the engine.

nope that turn down all sounds especially the tyre sounds which are really important

besides you cant actually mute the lfs engine sounds like that
here is what i see in readme

OutGauge Mode 2 ?@
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP ?@
OutGauge Port 55?@?@ ?@
OutGauge ID 0

what is the Outgauge port ?

Has anyone tried to change the samples to some others? (haven't tested it yet, but the BF1 sample sounds nice)
Quote from letek :here is what i see in readme

OutGauge Mode 2 ?@
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP ?@
OutGauge Port 55?@?@ ?@
OutGauge ID 0

what is the Outgauge port ?

(Which is pretty darn unusual for a non-systemservice.)


LFS carsound expansion
(267 posts, started )