Is it? Okay, how about 4 then (all current at the time, none of the present ones).

Jeremy Clarkson's quite nice too (but apparently a bit evil 'backstage'). Should I keep going? It's got nothing to do with egos - I've been lucky that's all. It was merely (originally) to prove a point.
all i was saying was, judge the guy by his racing talent.

and he has bucket loads of that.
Quote from tristancliffe :Is it? Okay, how about 4 then (all current at the time, none of the present ones).

Jeremy Clarkson's quite nice too (but apparently a bit evil 'backstage'). Should I keep going? It's got nothing to do with egos - I've been lucky that's all. It was merely (originally) to prove a point.

Care to enlighten us on the "evil backstage?" Just curious, because he was a right good laugh with James and Hamster on Top Gear .
This is getting rather far from the topic, but Clarkson can be a bit of a premadonna. He'll get quite cross about the slightest things. But maybe that's the price of being as good on-screen as he always has been.
Quote from tristancliffe :This is getting rather far from the topic, but Clarkson can be a bit of a premadonna. He'll get quite cross about the slightest things. But maybe that's the price of being as good on-screen as he always has been.

Going even further O/T
I met Clarkson a during a shoot for Top Gear (Before Hamster and May). He was filming in a village near me.
We stopped and went over to the camera crew. When he finished his bit we had a quick chat about the up and coming Motor Show, in the 2 mins we had he seemed a decent enough chap, he was even up for a bit of banter!!!
However, over the years I expect he has become more demanding as he has become more famous and maybe less approachable.
Quote from tristancliffe :Have you met him? I mean really met him. Not shaken hands and said hi kind of meet, but sat down and had a chat over a pint (of water)? I didn't think so.

I don't think you can make a judgement about a persons real personality from a 30 second burst of PR. But I believe I can make a judgement from seeing him interviewed during highs and lows, during PR bits and more informal bits etc etc.

Martin Brundle is a nice guy. And yes, I have met him, over a pint or two, when we bought his Piper Lance Turbo II off him several years back (when he was a current F1 driver). I can say that with fact.

i met alonso when he was just starting to drive for minardi, when others were walking by him not knowing who he was. and yes, you can judge a person to a degree from a brief encounter, one being someone i was very fond of but totally destroyed my ideas of being a "hero"

but thats another story.

and thats my pennysworth on this matter

Quote from tristancliffe :Boring to watch drive.

Passing Schumacher on the outside through 130R was certainly dull hey .

Sorry I'm a Alonso fan , I hate Schumi (not for his driving , I think he is a great driver , but just because of the unsportsmanlike things he has done in the past) . I think this championship is going to be a nail biter . Let the best man win I say
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#59 - J.B.
Add to that that visibility is actually worse for the drivers than the cameras show. You really can't see naff all when following a single seater in the wet, you get peripheral vision, but looking forwards is only useful if you want to clean your visor ... !
Quote from keiran :

I don't think thats boring Great driving from him, certinally is up there with Senna's first lap at Donington imo.

that really is amazing footage.
i agree with you keiran, but credit to all the drivers, they deseved their pay driving in conditions like that.

and i love your avatar thisnameistaken, but if schuey is dick dastardly, does that make jean todt mutley?!!??**!!??