Searchin Actors
(13 posts, started )
Searchin Actors

I am making an movie about LFS but i am searching actors. These people wil get credtited in the credits and stuf but most special they can show there real driving tallent to the world

If you are intrested PM me.

I am looking for: Drifters, Racers, Cops&Robbers, Debry drivers, Rally Crossers and every else you cna think of its the meaning it will cover the total idea of LFS. Like a tribute to it. But no movie without actors. I also search skinners, they will need to make some fun skins for the movie. All filming will be done in a special server for thes where al the different scenes will be set.

So I explaned every thing i think so if you are intrested in any thing, 1 thing or more things you just pm me and maybe there will be a role for you.

Must haves:
  • LFS S2 license
  • Driving skills(not much but at least some )
  • MSN (not required but it would be usefull)
Greets Bjoerk

PS: Just pm when your intrested
You can count whit me for anything (except money lol)

ps: pm sent
lol damn just the thing i really need

no okay You gonna be in the lists of wich people for wath expect like 1 or 2 weeks until we get start shooting the picture maybe faster depends on how the people react to this fun idea
I can be your Drifter / Robber / Stunt-Derby Driver / Racer / Rally Crosser

But I can only act when I have the time and am bored to go play some LFS. It depends on what kind of movie you are making, because if you include all of those styles of driving I listed above, I have no idea what you are planning to make :o
lol its a kind of movie about LFS about al the things you can do in LFS ist a promotion movie. Just now to se wath is possible to do with other people to see if they want to take this seriuos.

IT will be pretty ordered, it will be like a total telling about the functions of LFS so there wil be some parts of me editing a autocroos layout and stuff
I can do drifting, racing, and cops and robbers. Some skinning too (don't count on me being able to though). Cheers.
#7 - steve
count me in
steve should to realtime footage of someone playing LFS on their computer, showing their racing gear You could incorporate some real people playing it, and not just the virtual part
well if you wan to be in just PM me your MSN and I will see
Show that all ages play too, Like how I'm on the younger side of the LFS scale (14.5 Yrs old) and then there are some people playing in their 40's.
#11 - CSU1
hey! , I've seen this guy before....he makes weird pron movies....he probably has some sort of kinky sh*t in careful and keep your trunks to the' automotive intercourseillepall
hi, if there is any room left i wanna join to
u can pm me in dutch
lol just pm in in dutch is okay

just need you msn or somthing, xfire can do 2

Searchin Actors
(13 posts, started )