Hello. I've searched all the LFS forums but couldn't find any rational data. The problem is that I am using lapper version Thanks to the bass driver, we fixed some problems. I don't want to disturb him either, from discord all the time. That's why I wanted to create an open topic.
First of all, I want the ip address of the players connected to the game to be transferred to any discord channel. Currently, we have a bot that transmits the server chat, but there is no code that transmits ip.
Secondly, I can ban someone from the server with the /ban command in discord or throw an ip ban. Is something like this possible? I would be glad if you help.
First of all, I want the ip address of the players connected to the game to be transferred to any discord channel. Currently, we have a bot that transmits the server chat, but there is no code that transmits ip.
Secondly, I can ban someone from the server with the /ban command in discord or throw an ip ban. Is something like this possible? I would be glad if you help.