Hi, how can I warn people who use fast commands? I have Event OnFlood but it's not what I want and it doesn't seem to work with commands.
For example, instead of kicking, I want not to use commands for a certain period of time, can I do that?
Add this piece of code to Event OnMSO above this line:
SWITCH( $command )
<?php IF (GetLapperVar("ShortTime") >= GetCurrentPlayerVar( "control_commands")) THEN $time_splitted = SplitToArray( GetLapperVar("ShortTime"),":" ); #split ShortTime into an array $time_splitted[1] = $time_splitted[1] + 1; #add one minute to the current minutes
# Check if minutes has value 60 or above. If so, raise hours by one and lower minutes by sixty IF ($time_splitted[1] >= 60) THEN $time_splitted[0] = $time_splitted[0] + 1; $time_splitted[1] = $time_splitted[1] - 60; ENDIF
# Check if hours has value 24. If so, reduce hours by 24 IF ($time_splitted[0] == 24) THEN $time_splitted[0] = $time_splitted[0] - 24; ENDIF
# Merge hours and minutes into one value $pace_control_time = "" . $time_splitted[0] . ":" . $time_splitted[1];
# Set player var 'control_command' to the new time stamp SetCurrentPlayerVar( "control_commands", $pace_control_time ); ?>
Add this piece of code to Event OnMSO the after this line:
<?php ELSE PrivMsg("^1You have to wait until it is ^3(" . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "control_commands") . ")^1 , to be able to execute a command"); ENDIF ?>
Maybe you only want the tempo control on certain commands.
That's possible by adding this sub-event:
<?php Sub pace_control_command( $KeyFlags,$id ) IF (GetLapperVar("ShortTime") >= GetCurrentPlayerVar( "control_commands")) THEN $time_splitted = SplitToArray( GetLapperVar("ShortTime"),":" ); #split ShortTime into an array $time_splitted[1] = $time_splitted[1] + 1; #add one minute to the current minutes
# Check if minutes has value 60 or above. If so, raise hours by one and lower minutes by sixty IF ($time_splitted[1] >= 60) THEN $time_splitted[0] = $time_splitted[0] + 1; $time_splitted[1] = $time_splitted[1] - 60; ENDIF
# Check if hours has value 24. If so, reduce hours by 24 IF ($time_splitted[0] == 24) THEN $time_splitted[0] = $time_splitted[0] - 24; ENDIF
# Merge hours and minutes into one value $pace_control = "" . $time_splitted[0] . ":" . $time_splitted[1];
# Set player var 'control_command' to the new time stamp # Set player var 'control_command_allowd' to "yes" SetCurrentPlayerVar( "control_commands", $pace_control ); SetCurrentPlayerVar( "control_commands_allowed", "yes" ); ELSE # Set player var 'control_command_allowd' to "no" SetCurrentPlayerVar( "control_commands_allowed", "no" ); ENDIF EndSub ?>
Then the command you want to check on, should look like this:
<?php CASE "!test": pace_control_command( 0,0 ); IF (GetCurrentPlayerVar( "control_commands_allowed" ) == "yes" ) THEN MyTest(); ELSE PrivMsg("^1You have to wait until it is ^3(" . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "control_commands") . ")^1 , to be able to execute this command"); ENDIF BREAK; ?>
It might be a bit boring to wait 1 minute for each command, can we make it 20 seconds or can we wait 1 minute if we use 3 or 4 commands instead of each command?
Sure, you can make it 20 seconds (or any time you want).
Adjust the code to use the long time-format of Lapper, add the seconds and add an extra check to see if seconds have gone above 60.