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Which f1 driver?
(35 posts, started )
Quote from Hyperactive :Kimi is just Kimi, speaks twelve times more than average fin does. Meybe he starts recording music after F1. With Salo in guitar and JJ in drums. Häkkinen for the bass

Lol, I think I'd give that a miss..
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Lol, I think I'd give that a miss..

And Keke playing the other guitar! Mostly solos, but anyway
#28 - JJ72
Takuma Bloody Sato. Smile

F1 needs dynamite like this very very badly Smile Have anyone paid attention in what he is able to do with the super aguri? If one day he has a mid-field car it will be great to watch, and doesn't everyone likes a japanese driver. Big grin
With the nature of F1 these days the drivers that get picked from an early stage to win usually will win, a lot of them connected to Flavio Briatorie the current drivers who seem to have obvious backing from the establishment are in my eyes:


and maybe Raikkonen

Heidfeld and de la Rosa are both hugely underrated and would probably be much more successful if they got the backing of the establishment and the drives they deserved IMO.
Quite simply its the Newey Redbull-Ferrari with Coulthard ftw next year. You wait and see.

Big grin
Pedro de la Rosa & F. Alonso Nod
I would gun for Heidfeld or Massa, i have been quite impressed with Massa recently and now that he has won there will hopefully be better things to come from him, just hope he secures a drive if Kimi and Schu make up the Ferrari team next year.
"although Button has finally won a race, he is less daring than my own Mother. (kinda reminds me of Tim Henman actually)"

Nah, his car kept letting him down this season. Give the man a decent ride (Renault?) or tune the Honda to winning standard again and he'll take a championship.
Jacques ****ing Villeneuve, Heidi Nickfeld
Chances of winning anything: Moist
Top fact: Jacques F*cking Villeneuve used to go out with Danni Minogue who was depicted in the British press engaged in lesbionic activities. And with Villeneuve as his team mate, Heidfeld is another person who is going to be spending a lot of time very close to a tw*t.

Support Kimi, The Real World Champion 2005!

Which f1 driver?
(35 posts, started )