Would like to play with mods offline when for example the ModList can't be reached (like it happened during attacks) aka displaying currently installed mods. Quite weird to have 1-4Gbs of mods in my PC but I am not able to access them unless there is mandatory internet connection
It's already very easy to use your favorite mods offline. On the other hand, being able to organize them in different folders (without having to rename them) would be nice.
Yes, especially for 4 GB. You might as well wait for the connection to work again.
I was talking about a quick emergency solution for playing offline with your favourite mods.
Having offline access to the list of mods installed on your computer does not seem very complicated to code, and even necessary. You are right.
It's just that this list is currently so infunctional with irrelevant filters that it is more convenient to do without it offline. In my humble opinion, it is more urgent to solve this problem first, before it becomes impossible to implement new categories for thousands of mods after the fact.
It's unfortunate but I see this as being a good thing to try to protect against cracked copies. Having a call to the master server for mod cars is one protection for that.
urgently need new big update theres nothing holding you playing this game now but your own imagination just driving around """testing"""" the mods
and if that isnt enought lfs.net is slow for some reason making taking out the mods slow and annoying
Since the master server is rarely down, I don't think it's a good idea to bypass it. Because of keeping private mods private and the good old crack players as @gu3st mentioned. Why make it easier for them?
You should be more patient. Do you know how much time it takes for software development and testing afterward? Do you know how much time it takes to inspect 3D models triangle by triangle, so you don't get sued for copyrights? Keep in mind that the staff is short and everything takes time. Rushing updates won't make the game better, if you want the game to keep its quality, you should be more patient or helpful in some way, rather than negative.
Why people assume I mean this needs to be added RIGHT NOW? There is no indication anywhere in the thread where I demand its an urgent matter. Just a suggestion that can be added (or not) later down the road
You have several dedicated topics to compile various suggestions for improvement.
Maybe, creating a poll on a specific topic for a problem that is as secondary as it is rare seems to demonstrate a very great frustration that requires a quick solution ?
But, unless I'm mistaken, no one has accused you of wanting it right now !
When I used to surf other forums, an idea was usually followed by a poll. But it seems here a poll means Mandatory Action or something? Weird but ok I guess
There is no option to delete the poll (at least for me), so its edited.
Don't worry. You were under no obligation to delete your poll. Assume your positions and your actions. You are in one of the rare spaces of freedom in the world.