I driven it a bit more in last days.
I'm suprised how stable it is. Even if turbo spools, tyre slips on corner exit or anything hapens with rear tyres grip it always go forward without changing direction. Suspension tune is just amazing.
I only retuned brakes because defaults feels to weak to me.
On video below I had something like 2700+Nm and then reduced to 2088Nm with 63% bias. Feels good to me now but it might be too agressive.
About new sound (video was recorded with old one). It feels and sould like RB26 could.
why this forum didnt give me any notification about this :/
aaanyway, glad you like it, I'm amazed how you be able to control it, the suspension tuning I think really spot on, I watch million times of this video just to predict how the car react from stand still to its maximum topspeed as per video.
But I'd like to hear about any other opinions about this my very own suspension tuning (aside from my wingman, martin18, who usually develop all of my suspension tuning from previous mods)
if you had any suggestions about how to tune suspension more so it could be used more for track use, let me know
Okay... I couldn't sleep after doing 8h Westhill and AutoHouse drift event so... I went to the track with the supra.
This setup needs a lot of polishment because it was basically my predicting what changes make this car fast on track but then I tested it and felt good to me. I haven't squished all the performance tho because:
- I'm not really quick
- I was sleepy xD
Hi everyone, I finally was able to get my hands on this car. Did many changes where I found needed updating to get it closer to real life.
Please let me know what you guys think now on the track setup
Iām glad to hear from you! Always appreciated. Yeah when I first drove it I felt it was a bit crazy to the point where it was almost impossible to drive smoothly. I found suspension was not close to factory geometry, and aero needed some minor adjustments. Also the engine felt way to wild for early 2000s spec build. Gave a it a bit of inertia to slow down the response