ZFRL Test Event
Monday 30.10.2023 18:15 UTC
Monday 30.10.2023 18:15 UTC
What: A one-off event hosted by Zafiralis, to get ourselves familiar with organizing events.
When: Monday 30th of October, qualifying will start at around 18:15 UTC
Where: Rockingham National at our server ZFRL•Events
Hello everyone! We would like to invite you to participate in a test event hosted by us. The event will consist of a 30 minute open qualifying and a 33 lap race that will last around 45 minutes. We will be using the Cinque Centurion mod at the Rockingham National configuration (RO2). Attention! The mod is still very much work in progress, but it will be operational for at least a week before the race.
For event related discussions and up-to date announcements please join our Discord channel.
We will use the Rules of Clean Racing with the following clarifications and additions:
O-1: substantial overlap = front axle must be at least half-way alongside
O-2: a cars witdth of space on raceable surface is considered enough
L-3: lapping car has to make an overtaking move, lapped car may not defend in any way
P-2: no more than 2 wheels allowed to cross the pit exit line
Track limits are defined by raceable surfaces that include everything except grass, dirt and walls. At least 2 wheels must be on a raceable surface at all times.
Any incident reports should be posted in this thread or in our discord server. The deadline for reports is 24 hours after the race start.
Our links:
Zafiralis Discord channel
Instagram @zafiralisgg