The online racing simulator
Edit main menu
(3 posts, started )
Edit main menu
We are in 2023 and ı think lfs looks like it was the first version of lfs.
I think you design main menu, garage etc.
Maybe you can add animation while the screen changes when we press the button. ( multiplaer button, singleplayer button and others)
You can make the main menu more modern
That1s all, have a nice day .
Personally, I don’t like transitions and animations when using game menus because they make it slower to click through things to the place I want. What I like about LFS menu system is that it’s fast and not distracting by such elements.

Surely the UI design can be made better looking but please not at the cost of usability.
Please, do not change the menus, it's the very spirit of LFS which I love the most of all sims.

Edit main menu
(3 posts, started )