wheel-breaker, primitive app for wheel damage after race prevention
Crashing after race is a muss, and if your wheel manufacturer failed to provide some safe checks in software themselfs, this can be of help. It basicly disables Force Feedback when race is finished. It doesn't have to be you finishing the race for effects to take place, unfortunly. Details in the video.

How to use:
-unpack the program to the desired directory of choice,
-if you'll run it for first time, an ./wheel_breaker.toml configuratin file will be created in the same directory as the app has been executed from
-edit this file to assign proper values matching your Live for Speed instance setup
-now, when the lfs is running, you can start the program immiedietly. Violla!


For now the inner workings are primitive, but I might polish it for astonishing quality one day e.g. to count only the intended player finnish, not anyone.
so this turns off your FFB the moment the winner crosses the finish line?

Big grin
Yes xD I'll come back to this program once I'll sort out my InSim interface library.
good idea, it's not very useful in this state