I voted no because I haven't used my setup in a few weeks, but I had ok results with a freeware program called Freelook, an ordinary cheap-o webcam, and a miniature flashlight stuck to my hat. It took a good deal of time tweaking the deadzones and detection thresholds until I got it working well, but it was wonderful for being able to look where I wanted when I wanted. When I LFS I can't help but tilt my head a bit leaning into turns, and with the right sensitivity and center reduction I got the head tilt looking great. Also it was setup so that turning my head to the point just before it became uncomfortable and leaning to the side a bit let me look over my shoulder. It was great! It didn't take very long to get used to turning your head but still looking at the screen - it's just like having another controller or something.
So why am I talking entirely in the past tense? -- Because I LFS at work as well as at home, and it's just more crap I have to lug around with me (cpu tower, keyboard, mouse, DFP, pedals...), a pain to setup, and I look retarded
As for VR glasses, look up the eMagin Z800. From what I've read it's about the best bang you can get for your buck atm. For about $550 you get 800x600 OLED, head tracking, and stereo earphones. More details once I've paid off a credit card or find a cheap one on ebay. (There are assloads of cheapo HMDs on ebay for $150ish, but as far as I can tell they're just pieces of junk.)
So why am I talking entirely in the past tense? -- Because I LFS at work as well as at home, and it's just more crap I have to lug around with me (cpu tower, keyboard, mouse, DFP, pedals...), a pain to setup, and I look retarded

As for VR glasses, look up the eMagin Z800. From what I've read it's about the best bang you can get for your buck atm. For about $550 you get 800x600 OLED, head tracking, and stereo earphones. More details once I've paid off a credit card or find a cheap one on ebay. (There are assloads of cheapo HMDs on ebay for $150ish, but as far as I can tell they're just pieces of junk.)