I spent a lot of last night/this morning play CRC, and I found that turning off all autoclutch features is fun because you stall, but having to use a button bound to your wheel isn't fun for a clutch, so I turned a spare mouse into my clutch pedal
works great, though I'm slightly slower in LFS now (not that I was blindingly fast before). I really should have been sleeping like 7-8 hours ago, but oh well. Might just jack up on coffee and see if I can make it to midnight 
That's only about 5 pages of A4 (assuming you use Tahoma in font size 10). A nights work for me. I did a 5 page report on Multicore CPU's for uni the night before it was due. Then when I was in the lecture before handing it in I remembered I should add sources so I hit google on the uni WiFi and got a couple of white papers and added a link to the bottom, never checked if they were relevent.

That's only about 5 pages of A4 (assuming you use Tahoma in font size 10). A nights work for me. I did a 5 page report on Multicore CPU's for uni the night before it was due. Then when I was in the lecture before handing it in I remembered I should add sources so I hit google on the uni WiFi and got a couple of white papers and added a link to the bottom, never checked if they were relevent.