12/16/2023 5:26:11 PM -> Syntax error: in file ".\default\.\includes\.\scriptler\ddee.lpr" at line #76
The function: getmoddedcarinfo does not exist
Function 'getmodinfo' script aborted
12/16/2023 5:26:24 PM -> Syntax error: in file ".\default\.\includes\.\scriptler\ddee.lpr" at line #78
The function: getmoddedcarinfo does not exist
Function 'getmodinfo' script aborted
When I use the command nothing happens, only my ping on the server increases. When I look at the log, the above error appears
The function: getmoddedcarinfo does not exist
Function 'getmodinfo' script aborted
12/16/2023 5:26:24 PM -> Syntax error: in file ".\default\.\includes\.\scriptler\ddee.lpr" at line #78
The function: getmoddedcarinfo does not exist
Function 'getmodinfo' script aborted
When I use the command nothing happens, only my ping on the server increases. When I look at the log, the above error appears