So back in the day I used to play NFS Hot Pursuit 2 for pc. I had good memories of it. I recently started playing it again, man what a good vibes that classic game has. The cars, the music, and the maps. But let's talk about the latter, more specificly the tropical island map. Man that island has such good vibes. It reminded me of Fern Bay, which made me make this suggestion.

So I was thinking, what if the LFS devs took some inspiration from this map in NFSHP2? I mean, it has such nice vibes to it. A tropical island, abit Hawaii like, with nice flowing/smooth roads, the sun that is setting, and palm trees that hang over the road. You drive through a nice American-styled city called "Palm City", or go through the outskirts, or through a tunnel, or past a waterfall or through some small hut village. It really has nice vibes to it, and I think the devs could consider getting some inspiration from this map for a future update of Fern Bay. Maybe make it abit less racetack-like and more openroad like? Maybe add some buildings/style element like the ones from Palm City?
If you want to see for yourself, please watch/scroll through these vids:
Please take note of the different elements on the map. The shape of the roads, the number of palm trees, etc.

lol, it would actually be funny if they could just swap the whole tropical map from NFSHP2 into LFS. But thats probably not as easy as it sounds...

So I was thinking, what if the LFS devs took some inspiration from this map in NFSHP2? I mean, it has such nice vibes to it. A tropical island, abit Hawaii like, with nice flowing/smooth roads, the sun that is setting, and palm trees that hang over the road. You drive through a nice American-styled city called "Palm City", or go through the outskirts, or through a tunnel, or past a waterfall or through some small hut village. It really has nice vibes to it, and I think the devs could consider getting some inspiration from this map for a future update of Fern Bay. Maybe make it abit less racetack-like and more openroad like? Maybe add some buildings/style element like the ones from Palm City?
If you want to see for yourself, please watch/scroll through these vids:
Please take note of the different elements on the map. The shape of the roads, the number of palm trees, etc.

lol, it would actually be funny if they could just swap the whole tropical map from NFSHP2 into LFS. But thats probably not as easy as it sounds...