The online racing simulator
Replay OOS error
(22 posts, started )
#1 - arco
Replay OOS error
I'm getting this error message on a perfectly legitimate lfsworld uploaded hotlap file. The message appears during the second lap on the same spot every time the hotlap is replayed. It's the first time I ever seen that. What's causing this?
#2 - Mauni
I know nothing about OOS error, but I would quess that replay file got damaged while you downloaded it. Try re-downloading it.
#3 - arco
I have the same problem to some of my own replays
Arco is talking about my XFG/AS2r hotlap. I'm also getting this error when i try to watch it again. Other replays from the session are ok though. Here's the original file..
Attached files
7_2.spr - 116 KB - 1268 views
I got this error while trying to run LFS Benchmark replay
#7 - shim
its probably a imcompatibility issue with the latest test patches.. since there is a new bug/cheat fix that was implemented within U(test 20), ive noticed older replays come up with the OOS replay error..
#8 - Krane
Same here, anything newer than 0.5U15 OOSes, while older versions works fine. The benchmark replay that is, the SPR from LFSW is borked even in 0.5U and according to the headers, it's made with 0.5U...

Quote from arco :What's causing this?

The single player replay system records your inputs and when you view the replay it plays your recorded inputs again essentially "driving" the race again. It produces 100% similar result what you actually saw while racing, unlike some other games where it just records the position on track. It has one drawback, it can go out of sync (OOS) from the slightest hiccup or change in used track/wheater/physics variables.

Does this mean that replays created in other versions (other than S, T ,U , U19 and U20) don't work with S, T ,U , U19 and U20? I don't remember Scawen mentioning anything other that the (S, T ,U , U19 and U20) versions are online-incompatible (=allow the cheat) with the other versions?

EDIT: Of course I meant the current U test parches by the "other versions". Also a fatal spelling error.
Version S (with the BF1 in it) had completely different physics, so of course S, T, U replays are incompatible with old versions. I am sure LFS won't even try to play them.

But S, T, U and U test patches are supposed to be compatible with all S, T, U versions.

There was one bug fixed in U19, where after the test patch with the new autocross marshall system (around U15 if I remember correctly) random numbers were affected and SP replays with wind enabled were no longer in sync. That was fixed in U19 so that S, T, U replays before U15 should now be in sync with U19 and U20.

I'm slightly concerned if any hotlaps are going out of sync... there shouldn't be any OOS hotlaps at all, though I can see that one posted in this thread goes out of sync some way into the replay. That could possibly be a one-off glitch during recording, similar to an overclocking / overheating issue so I can't draw any conclusions from a single replay going OOS. If there is a pattern of hotlaps being out of sync, I would like to know.

I don't know why the benchmark replay goes out of sync. Version T replays are supposed to be playable with the U versions. That is a bit of a concern, but I won't go investigating the replay OOS just because of that. There were some changes in suspension strength between S and U versions, though U is supposed to take account of that and play the replays correctly. I guess I should suggest that the benchmark replay is done again with the U version (even though I admit it's my bug).

I am more concerned if the hotlap replays go out of sync because there are hundreds of them, and I am trying quite hard to keep the versions exactly physically compatible in all these versions. But as I said, before I investigate any further, I really need to see a pattern or a means of reproducing it with 100% certainty. Meaning, a way to make a U replay go OOS in U20 or a U20 replay go OOS in U.
Scawen, I have to say it aloud, atleast for once: You Rock! :bannana_g
This community really is prefferred and it's a privilege to be so frankly able to communicate (give and get feedback) with the game developers.
erm...i got this
did a "cool crash" (single player) saved it wanted to watch it again later, but it stops after about 20 secs and gives me the OOS error illepall
(U20 Replay and current patch)
i can upload replay if needed.
alright this is getting wierd.
yesterday i saved a replay from a little stunt.
watched it few times - worked.
today i wanted to watch it again - OOS error illepall
what?! thats really strange now 1 day it works the next day it doesnt.
That suggests an overheating or overclocked computer, or a CPU or memory fault.

Judging by previous reports, if you are overclocking that is most likely the reason. Second most likely is faulty memory.

The thing is the track has loaded slightly differently one day and the next day. If there was a loading fault, then it would play the replay correctly that one time while the track is still loaded, but probably differently the next time you loaded the track.
well its not my pc
it has the same configuration as with the old patch (where i never had this error) and its not overclocked , not overheated and memory is just fine.
and the loading thing... like i said i saved a replay yesteday too, and i wanted to watch directly after i saved it - OOS error.
didnt change car or track between that.
i have really no idea whats causing this, but it came with U20, cuz it never happend before. (i watch alot replays)
Well, the only explanation I can think of, if the OOS went wrong at some random point during the replay while the car was driving, and the replay was recorded on your own computer, is, as I said, a memory or CPU issue.

How come you are so sure there is no problem? Have you run a memory testing program? These problems do come up on computers which previously didn't have a problem. And they do come and go between patches, because the faulty memory bit is usually at the same physical memory address, and in one patch, that might be in a harmless position in memory, when in another patch, it could be in some area which affects physics, or causes a crash, etc.

This has happened before, several times, and the user usually claims their computer is fine, until they run the testing software. I suggest you run a memory checker, and a CPU checker thing. Sorry I can't advise where to find the software.
well a friend tested it and it was fine. tomorrow he'll come anyway so ima tell him to do it again (im not such a pc guru and scared of messing up ).
dunno bout this cpu thing but ill tell him. ill update ya then
Quote from Scawen :I suggest you run a memory checker, and a CPU checker thing. Sorry I can't advise where to find the software. ... G=Google+zoeken&meta=

(fifth link is actually useful)

On a side note, Scawen, I have a theory about how to solve these problems you don't want to hear, and should be in the improvement suggestions forum.
It involves not using physics for replays.
well i did a memory test with memtest-86 and its error free still.
didnt do the cpu test yet since it will take about 5 hours until its finished. maybe ill do it later but dont think my cpu is damaged in any way its just 3 months old and not overlclocked.
I've got the same message with a single player replay from june 06. I know, it's working before (have created some fraps video clips). Now, I wanna create new ones. But now I can't play the replay.

I've installed Patch U20 before. But I get the same error message with the official patch version U.

Some other replays works fine (before and after june 06).
I guess its the BF1 suspension change.
However, if you want to watch an old replay, you can always revert to the patch you used when saving the replay, then it must work.
Quote from ORION :I guess its the BF1 suspension change.
However, if you want to watch an old replay, you can always revert to the patch you used when saving the replay, then it must work.

If I check the lfs version number of the replay with an hex editor I can see "0.5U" string. But with this version, I get the error "OOS". I've tried also with version S (I don't have other version between S und Q). Version S says, the replay is created with an newer LFS version.

Replay OOS error
(22 posts, started )