The online racing simulator
I don't know what to say..............

My Condolances to his Family and Friends. Rest in peace Dave.
I'm sorry to hear that. I also don't really know what to say, so my condolences to him and his family.
Rest in peace Dave. Although I never knew him, its tragic for such a thing to happen, espically at such a young age. He sounds like a great guy. May you always live on in our memories.
Rest in Peace Dave, and condolances to all family and friends.

damn only 19...R.I.P mate
Rest in Peace Dave, and condolances to all family and friends
I wish i had more to say, was never much of a mourner. It's always sad to lose someone, even if they were someone you never really knew.

Kinda reminds me of highschool. In one of my classes something similar happened. It was a CAD class with the high drafting tables, large classroom, and PC's. If you were'nt the social type it was easy to be there and know almost nobody around you. A couple months into the school year news started spreading about a student dying in a car accident. I later came to find out he was in my class, much to my suprise. I hadn't even noticed that he was gone because I never knew he was there. Still a saddening loss to lose a brother like that. For the life of me I can only remember his first name. So I'll take this moment to say RIP, both Trey and Dave.

If anyone has a jpg of Dave's spray logo from CS, maybe could i get it. I'd kinda like to put it on the team skin for a while, memorial y'know.
Very, very sad news....
Rest In Peace, Dave

I offer my condolences to the family......
My condolences To Plus' Family
I wish all strength to his family and friends..
Rest In Peace, Plus!
Same age as me and sounds like a real likeable guy, Rest In Peace.
Very sad news.

Rest in Peace.
It is certainly a sad thing to here, thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.


Condolances and strength to family and friends.
I will be short. Rest in Peace, Dave...
RIP Dave.
Condolences to his friends and family

Just seen this thread and realised who it was, I'm a friend of his sisters (although dont speak to her much) - RIP Dave
I never heard of him but R.I.P...

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