The online racing simulator
Moto Fun Race
(6 posts, started )
Moto Fun Race

Moto Fun Race

With addition of bikes and most recently also improvements on their handling,it's time for us to experiment also in this field! Let's call this our 1st MFR,however it is not known when or even if there will be a second one. This is where we will feel ourselves blindly into unknown terrain - until now from our side there have been 2 time trial events and it's unknown if there have been any organized bike racing events from others. That's why we will simply use the same methods also for this event - same 60 minutes qualifying session and same 30 minutes long race started from same classic car racing grid.
We will start "slow" with a relativelly low powered bike that delivers 65 horsepower from it's 400 cubiccentimeter engine,bringing scales up to 164kg without fuel and rider,still being able to reach 200km/h. For people who never tried riding a bike - please be careful and aware of surroundings to notice other riders,while don't be too upset by big differences in times,as experienced riders might have quite an advantage,I hope you will still accept the challenge of something new in this sim!

Race information:
Track: Westhill International (WE2)

9th January,2024
18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET - 60 minutes qualifying
19:10 UTC / 20:10 CET / 21:10 EET - Race start

Race length will be calculated after qualifying using best laptime of qualifying session - lapcount will be calculated to minimum lapcount that exceeds 30 minutes.

For this event we will use and insim app that will help riders to set the bike on wheels in case of fall: you can put up the bike on wheels with command ";flip" (semicole+flip),there will be 3 seconds delay between command has been typed and executed. An additional command ";turn" (semicole+turn) will turn the bike 90° to the left direction. Note that commands are available only when the bike is stationary!

  • Respect BLUE FLAG - you may not interfere passing maneuver of lapping car! In qualification - you may not disturb passing car in any way.
  • Be careful at YELLOW FLAG - slow down if necesary, be ready to avoid fallen riders. Crashed riders must make sure that their return to racing won't cause other incidents.
  • No shortcutting in any way. Both wheels must be on track any time. Track limits are defined by paved surface (tarmac),curbs are accepted extention of track.
  • Don't cross the pit extit line and make way for bikes racing at full speed.
  • Be careful while racing, avoid any contacts with other riders. No crashing, ramming or any other unsportsmanlike behavior at any time.
  • Riders with high and/or unstable ping will be asked to leave if not improving it.
  • No voting for restart/qualification/end race after qualification start (unless command is given to vote for start).
  • Chatting during race is not forbidden, but pressing binds and (especially - unnesecary) texting too often can result in penalty.
  • Not riding observers (including riders who already have retired) may not use chat at all.
  • This is specifically an individual event - every rider has to ride himself,no rider swaps are allowed.
In case you have any protests (crashing,blocking etc.) against somebody,please post them in this thread as soon as possible (best - right after race)! All protests will be reviewed and reckless riders will be banned for futher events to keep clean and fair racing!

In case you timed out, crashed, run out of fuel and you have completed full 50% of race distance, please spectate and don't join again - replay will be analized with LFSstats and you will be added to final results! If you did rejoin in such situation, but still want to be added to results, you will have to inform event admins in server or post request in this thread.
Attached images
#3 - cuni
Human Crayon
Would had join but work shift
Official results



Race statistics

This tuesday we dared to host racing with different vehicle type - motorcycles. In each of the past 2 years we hosted a time trial event on a narrow and twisty circuit in Westhill,this time we tried out something we're so used to with cars - a proper race. 17 brave riders arrived,they were falling and still getting up - all being process of learning. Some learned quicker than others,some had plenty of previous experience elsewhere,some had problems with keeping the bike upright - all of them were using the same 5.8 kilometers,meeting each other multiple times on track.

There were no surprises about the winner - the 2-time Westhill TT winner Simox clinched the winner's glory also in the head to head race. He was more than 3 seconds faster on his best lap in qualifying,leaving the competition racing only for 2nd position. In the race he led every single meter and despite being flat on ground once during the race,he still finished the 30 minutes race with 27 seconds gap. Best of the rest was another experienced LFS-biker Unite. He was only 4th fastest in qualifying,but in the race significantly increased his pace to climb up the field to 2nd position. Also 3rd place finisher Nosle found few tenths pace in his fastest lap,but could not use his front row starting position and finished with over 1 minute gap to race winner. With 2 minutes gap Arska was the last rider on lead lap,his teammate P.Koivunen in 5th position was the best between those who could not complete whole race distance.

Well,we tried this and future will show if there will be 2nd MFR (in theory could imagine to go similar way as RTFR)as the next [30+] tusdays are now filled with RTFR,RTFR XL and RandomCar,so there are no current plans for that,however the 3rd Westhill TT is planned to take place once again 3 or 4 weeks after the annual cars race in the Westschleife. Still feel free to share your experience from this event either in form of text pictures or even videos - maybe some feedback can help if there is 2nd MFR or if someone else dares to host bike racing.
Next week we're back to 4-wheels action - RTFR 2024 season 1 will start with one of the slick tyre cars (info as always will be posted on the weekend),while on 2nd tuesday from now also the RTFR XL will start it's season with BF1 race - so we will start both scored seasons with some speed! Between these races AWS will hold the 3rd round of the current season in Blackwood's rallycross circuit,running a 300 horsepower buggy.
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Attached files
MFR_q.mpr - 15.6 MB - 102 views
MFR.mpr - 11.6 MB - 100 views

Moto Fun Race
(6 posts, started )