18/artimeyo/hugo rodriguez artime/ESP/no team
97/Renciss99/Renars Sprogis/Latvia/no team union
Quote from artimeyo :18/artimeyo/hugo rodriguez artime/ESP/no team

Number 18 is taken, please select another number.
77/Bezusaaa/Martin Bezus/Bulgaria/Art Racing
Quote from Bezusaaa :77/Bezusaaa/Martin Bezus/Bulgaria/Art Racing

Number 77 is taken, please select another number
118/artimeyo/hugo rodriguez/spain/no team
Quote from artimeyo :118/artimeyo/hugo rodriguez/spain/no team

Number must be between 2 and 99 as per regulation III.2.a. Please choose a different number which is not taken. Entry list is attached to opening post.
66/ artimeyo / hugo rodriguez / spain / no team
04/agustinipsa/Agustin Ipsale/Argentina/Argentina Turismo
Entries closed for round 3 lockout.

Entries will not reopen, as this is the last round of the season.

If you have edits to make, please DM myself and/or Jonathon provost
This thread is closed