The online racing simulator
Sounds good, I've read the readme for the Swift, but I can't seem to find where to put the .twk file. Am I not reading a post or have you not told us, or am I a total noob tonight?
Quote from 02arnoldj :If you had taken 4 and a half hours of your own time out to do something, You thought people might have appreciated, then i wouldn't have phrased it like that.

Well, it took about two days to make this low-poly model of an XLR-V and I didn't have the time to scale it to the correct proportions to import it into racer. I asked people on Race sim central, and no-one would import it. I didn't beg people to do it, I just moved on and figured that I would just do it when I found the time. I was not being sarcastic by the way. I just thought it seemed like you wanted attention the way you were asking people to only make the comments which you want them to.

And, by the way, I made a lot of semi-realistic tweaks a few days ago in S1. If you don't want criticism, then don't post. You can always ignore me you know. I'm also sorry that you seem to think everywhere you go everyone is going to be nice to you. This isn't really true, so there is no point in starting a flame war.

All the best,
Attached images
Quote from 02arnoldj :I didnt want attention lol I wanted feedback

Sorry for being a little harsh....(By making you read that really long post).

havent had a laugh like this cuz of a forums in ages... didnt try the cars, dont intend to...

Good luck to you for putting the effort in, i guess.... lol...

Interesting way of seeking support for your mod tho...
Quote from 02arnoldj :
Here is my 1984 Peugeot 205 T16.
You may ask why I chose to simulate this car? well it's simple.
The T16's Brother, (the Rally Version!) was banned from rallying in it's day, because it's power - weight ratio made it unfair on Lancia, Audi Etc... The T16 Rally car kicked every other rally car's ass.

This is completely wrong.

The whole car class was banned after two big tragedies which happened in 1986 :

-In the first stage of the Portugal Rally, Joaquim Santos lost his Ford RS 200 and killed 4 spectators and injured more than thirty of them. They were crowding after a big jump.

-in the Tour de Corse, the finnish legend Henri Toivonen (who was leading the championship and the rally) crashed into a ravine. He and his co-driver Sergio Cresto were killed. This happened exactly one year after Bettega's death.

The group B were simply considered to dangerous to drive.

As much as I like the Peugeot 205 T16, It didn't kicked the Lancia S4 ass. Toivonen was dominating the championship with the Lancia when he died.
Try opening the .twk file and changing all commas to dots, or vice versa.
02arnold, about the Lotus thing - I'm quite friendly with a few Lotus guys, and my father knows several people in the upper management. We also employ some recently ex-Lotus people, who worked in and around the chassis and engine department.

I also personally know the guy in charge of 'suspension and chassis', so maybe I know you/your Dad. Care to throw me a line on it with a name so that I can see if I know him? And earlier in the other thread you mentioned your local garage knew everything and was a trained mechanic, so which local garage, and if he's so good what do you think of Lotus? Surely that is a better source of technical information?

Hope to hear from you soon!
Indeed - I live within earshot of Lotus and it's test track/airfield at Hethel. In fact I used to deliver papers to Hethel when I was a bit younger, including the famous Ketteringham Hall.

I can't say I know 'JJ' myself, but I have a shout in the workshop here and see if anyone has heard of him. What level is he? A basic fabricator or a designer?

People are always leaving Lotus. Usually fired and re-hired for less money, which is why Lotus can only afford to make one car, and just stick different bodies on it to fool the public.

The new Esprit will be powered by a V8. A V6 or a V10 were apparently considered during the early design phase, but rejected for numerous reasons. The new Europa will be powered, oddly enough, by the same engine as the Elise (with forced induction). The new Esprit, which I see on an almost daily basis (the new Europa is rarer, I only see it three or four times a month), should be on sale in about 15 months time (call it 20 just in case).
Quote from 02arnoldj :(...) so I was right in my posts to say that Fonnybone has discontinued his LFStweak work until S3 maybe Forever.

No actually, you ARE wrong. I never said anything even close to that.
All i said is that i won't update for test patches and that it's still unsure
when there will be an updated version. I don't remember even mentionning
S3 at all in any comment or PM for that matter.

I don't have much time for LFS and even less for LFSTweak. It's a project
i made to help me learn programming a bit and because i liked LFS so
much. Although this is still true, the priority level is much lower than
it used to be. Much lower. I don't wanna put pressure on myself by
setting deadlines i can't respect. It'll come when it does, if it does.
Might even not be made by me
Quote from Fonnybone :Might even not be made by me

Yeah, I had been thinking about that. I'm sure we have a few people here who would like to see it updated and have the ability to work on it themselves! Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people...
Who would want to see updated version and have skills to do it.. I hope there are some people
Kegetys, where are you?
Quote from cs_drag :where can i dl this "tweak" for U20 version

You can't. Because it doesn't exist.
It's mentioned 6 posts above yours...
1994 Mclaren F1

Just thought I'd post this, its pretty accurate, BHP is right within 250rpm. Torque within 2 lbft. and 200rpm. Weight correct, F/R balance correct, tyre size correct, gear ratios correct. Standing 1/4mile 11.63 (0.03 off) 0-62 3.5 was my best.

Not really got much of a starting point on the setup, rear end is very wooly + steps out at the slightest touch.
Attached files - 470 B - 371 views
mustang sound almost like v8 engine
5.0 ho
4.6 dohc mustang corbra
5.4 svt cobra r
Attached files
mustang.rar - 811 B - 314 views
settings.rar - 254 B - 314 views
Quote from Kicker92 :Here you are Bmw 320 i (150)Hp
Real Car sound!

And how exactly does this work?
Letting people know it's an LFSTweak preset is helpful.

Thread merged with main LFS Tweak presets thread.
Where can I get the LFS Tweak for S2 ??
Heres my random 9.3 Litre V8, its just something I made up.

I made it drive like its got a massive cam so its mostly top end power, sounds nice as well. 700hp @ 7600rpm

Ive also included a turboed drag version version with 2700hp @ 8800rpm which runs 8.6 with minimal wheelspin

and yes its just chance that almost all of the numbers ended up being 1.
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V8.rar - 743 B - 403 views
heres my newest tweaks with setups

1 a random power gt with an 5 straight cylinder 2.5 liter engine (just like the one in ford focus st) wich has 282 bhp actually a quite fun tweak to drive, for the xfg

2 a ford rs200 evo roadcar preset not the most accurate but it feels very much like the real deal with 587 bhp and ive tried a real rs200 evo roadcar, for the xrg

3 a accurate 2006 dodge charger srt8, for the xrt

4 a accurate 2006 viper srt10, for the xrt

5 a accurate 787b for the xrt and its NOT easy to drive

Attached files - 2.1 KB - 346 views
Can someone make a XR GTR set & tweak please???
You didnt say what you wanted the tweak FOR!

The tweak only works on Demo cars

Demo racers cant drive the XRR!
yea they cant, but maybe he wanted XRT what acts like XRR...
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :yea they cant, but maybe he wanted XRT what acts like XRR...

Thats what im talking about
XRR=XRT + performance+S2 licence+looks
how about you just buy the damn game?
This thread is closed

LFSTweak Presets - Post 'em here! [old thread]
(285 posts, closed, started )