Launch control
(66 posts, started )
Launch control
Would it be possible?
well... not online atleast
It would be possible for sure. But I don't think LFS will ever see a launch control.
If you mean a third party add on - yes possible, although I dont think it would be very good as we cant control which wheel to brake.
Hmm, I guess in theory you could make a program that was the analogue equivalent of a button macro, whereby you preset the clutch/throttle inputs to run on the press of a button. But it wouldnt be very flexible and if you did loose traction you'd be screwed until the macro finished.

AFAIK the outsim output doesnt include anything about individual wheelspeeds or rpm, so you couldnt use that to actually detect wheelspin.
It's for big girls blouses anyway

But I guess you knew I'd say that...
Launch control, why? It's so damn funny to see the f08 spin at the start when you are racing the oval

#8 - AndyC
Quote from three_jump :Launch control, why? It's so damn funny to see the f08 spin at the start when you are racing the oval


Ye its funny until your caught in the mayhem.

#9 - Bosse
Quote from three_jump :Launch control, why? It's so damn funny to see the f08 spin at the start when you are racing the oval


I just take it easy on the start... I never spin around (and I drive with mouse so it would be harder for me?) but I've got hit by some other dude who did spin a couple of times... And I got very mad so a Launch Control would be very nice!
ya but that launch control would not work online, because im sure LFS would see it as a "helper" therefore being a "cheat"
i vote NO to the Launch Control! anything that takes away from driver skill in my book is a bad idea! if you cant get a car off the line then go practice.
Quote from XCNuse :ya but that launch control would not work online, because im sure LFS would see it as a "helper" therefore being a "cheat"

But the game i supposed to be realistic? And then maybe there should be a launch control? But I don't know if there is any launch control in these racing classes...

Quote from nikimere :i vote NO to the Launch Control! anything that takes away from driver skill in my book is a bad idea! if you cant get a car off the line then go practice.

Havent you crashed beacause of some other spin around in the start? And maybe the race wont be restarted. Then maybe you would like the launch control?
then kick the guy and let him practice
launch control is a big no.... maybe traction control would sout some people online lol.... its redicilous how many people spin in a fo8 race lol.....
I'm just looking at this from a technical point of view;
Quote from colcob :Hmm, I guess in theory you could make a program that was the analogue equivalent of a button macro, whereby you preset the clutch/throttle inputs to run on the press of a button. But it wouldnt be very flexible and if you did loose traction you'd be screwed until the macro finished.

Interesting idea...but not how I envisaged this...
Quote from colcob :AFAIK the outsim output doesnt include anything about individual wheelspeeds or rpm, so you couldnt use that to actually detect wheelspin.

I was thinking more along the lines of using in/outsim to detect any sharp deviance in the directional vector, and then cutting throttle/applying brakes where appropriate. No additional steering involved, and not perfect, but it could work, in theory (assuming we could find some way to alter the incoming axis information to LFS - which brings us back to hooking I fear).

But overall, I agree, I'm not for this idea - although it would help some of the F08 Oval junkies.
Geez, just start in 2nd. Or 3rd. Or learn to control the throttle. Or kick the 'noob' not willing to learn.
Quote from Bosse :Havent you crashed beacause of some other spin around in the start? And maybe the race wont be restarted. Then maybe you would like the launch control?

Yep and it is annoying but i either let them spinthen go or drive around them, if they're really bad ask them to leave and go practice. if that doesn't work and they keep hitting ppl off vote to disco them.
Adding an option just cause people annoy u is stupid, especially one that would ruin the game.
what is it with all you elitist drivers. you all think your gods at lfs or something and you all think noobs shouldnt be allowed to play online. This LFS community used to be nice but now its full of elitst drivers that gang up on noobs. Give the noobs a break.

if the launch control was there there always could be an option to turn it off. I think traction control and spin control should implemented and if so there could be an option to turn it off. yes i know theres a similar option to traction control in LFS but it isnt very good and doesnt realy work.

just because you guys are good at this game and dont like the traction control , spin control and launch control dont mean you have to laugh at those or be down on those of us that like the idea.

now let the flaming begin. (i realy dont care)
Quote from steve30x :what is it with all you elitist drivers. you all think your gods at lfs or something and you all think noobs shouldnt be allowed to play online. This LFS community used to be nice but now its full of elitst drivers that gang up on noobs. Give the noobs a break.

if the launch control was there there always could be an option to turn it off. I think traction control and spin control should implemented and if so there could be an option to turn it off. yes i know theres a similar option to traction control in LFS but it isnt very good and doesnt realy work.

just because you guys are good at this game and dont like the traction control , spin control and launch control dont mean you have to laugh at those or be down on those of us that like the idea.

now let the flaming begin. (i realy dont care)

A "noob" is always going to be slower round a track regardless of what driving aids they have. They WILL get in the way of serious racers when they are learning. That's why they should do it offline. I see it as rude to enter a race with a car/track combo i'm not comfortable with as I know there's a decent chance I'll mess up someone's race. If you don't know how a certain car should be driven round a certain track driving aids won't make any difference.
Quote from steve30x :what is it with all you elitist drivers. you all think your gods at lfs or something and you all think noobs shouldnt be allowed to play online. This LFS community used to be nice but now its full of elitst drivers that gang up on noobs. Give the noobs a break.

if the launch control was there there always could be an option to turn it off. I think traction control and spin control should implemented and if so there could be an option to turn it off. yes i know theres a similar option to traction control in LFS but it isnt very good and doesnt realy work.

just because you guys are good at this game and dont like the traction control , spin control and launch control dont mean you have to laugh at those or be down on those of us that like the idea.

now let the flaming begin. (i realy dont care)


Launch Control is going to be faster so if we had it in the game people wouldn't turn it off. Everyone wants to be fast so if leaving it turned on was going to make you faster then they'd do that.
Those sort of things take away from the driver input, and anything that does so makes it less of a simulator imo.
If you stick Launch Control in the people will want 'Auto Cornering' because the n00b's cant drive around corners without spinning. Where will it end?
I'm not giving out about n00b's, they are perfectly entitled to be as slow as they want because they are learning. I just dont think the game should be made easier because of this.
The emphasis was on 'noob' not newbie. A 'noob' is someone whose behaviour can be best described as the average CS player. Not knowing anything, no racing skills, but not willing to learn either. Has the bad habit of morphing into a wrecker when things don't run the way he likes (read: they find out they can't drive LFS like NFS)
i used to love playing LFS but the attitude of racers got out of hand and all the fun went out of it. now 90% of racers on LFS just want to be serious racing and never have fun. most arent willing to help those that are willing to learn and as said above think its rude to enter a race when you dont know how to handle the car. well i think its very rude to not offer help to those that are willing to learn and its even more rude to ban without asking if their new of they need help.

no im not trolling. i saw this thread and thought it would be a good idea but then i see most of the posts putting down the idea. what happened to freedom of speech and respecting others and their views. ive found a game with a nicer community and will stick to it until or if this community becomes helpful and respectful of others views and is willing to help the newbies.
Quote from budabudabass :A "noob" is always going to be slower round a track regardless of what driving aids they have. They WILL get in the way of serious racers when they are learning. That's why they should do it offline. I see it as rude to enter a race with a car/track combo i'm not comfortable with as I know there's a decent chance I'll mess up someone's race. If you don't know how a certain car should be driven round a certain track driving aids won't make any difference.

How else is noob going to race against other drivers? The LFS AI is as bad as any noob for running people off the track and very difficult to train with. My only beef will noobs is when they think they can race and don't hang back a bit, staying out of the way. The flip side is that some of the so-called 'expert' drivers can't pass a back marker to save their lives. If you see an obviously nooby driver, give him/her some room and be smart about making the pass. You may loose a little time, but its better than forcing the issue and loosing a lot of time.

But, back on topic. I consistently use a pretty effective traciton control system whn I race. Its called my right foot.
It does work sometimes when I pump the gas button! But, they have launch control on some cars in REALITY! Back on topic, does anyone know of a program that can modify the control inputs to have a set amount of throttle for a certain amount of time? (Or, you hold the button until you are at a high enough RPM and then let go?)
I really think that ppl are rude. for example (in demo version but still) i was in a race on blackwood GT track, doing my 1.40 laps in the XF GTi (im improving :P)
and some knucklehead who is goin round 1.36 rear ends me because i didnt let him pass, only 2 secs after i got the blue flag (right in first corner and chicane i got it,where he and i was almost as fast))
and he says "get out of the way of real drivers n00b"
sure its the demo but honestly dot many S2 drivers drive on demoservers sometimes? I'd say so, since some ppl on the servers is going REALLY fast....

Launch control
(66 posts, started )