Racecraft - The Forgotten Skill
(57 posts, started )
Quote from wsinda : If someone is clearly faster than you, and by a twist of fate you end up in front of him, then it may be wise not to block him and ruin his race.

I think this hardly never necessary. The only places where you should let others pass is under blue flag, accident or tactical decision. If you know that you will lose more time driving in front of the fast guy, then it is a reasonable choise to let him pass. In case of accident, your car maybe damaged in a way that it is hard to predict where the car wants to go, letting people pass might be a good thing there. Under blue flag, of course.

I have raced in LX4 in a mixed grid of LX4s and LX6s and didn't let LX6s pass without fight. Imho, you should always race for position when it's safe and strategically wise. If they are skilled enough they will pass you anyway. In the meantime, enjoy the fight
Learn to drive fast, but do not think about it just let it happen and you'll be quicker once you reach that 'zone' (Yanno where time just flys and you're unaware of anything around you.)

Know what todo, do it and be commited! When approaching a corner for example plan what you are going todo a few yards back, and stick to it.

Always look ahead, never whats directly infront. This will spare you of any close calls with people up front.

Most of all have fun! If its becoming a struggle and you're getting frustrated move on! You'll never been fast when you're in a bad state of mind!

And my final tip!

To finish 1st, first you must finish!
Quote from Hyperactive :I have raced in LX4 in a mixed grid of LX4s and LX6s and didn't let LX6s pass without fight. Imho, you should always race for position when it's safe and strategically wise. If they are skilled enough they will pass you anyway. In the meantime, enjoy the fight

If you're going to get passed by them eventually, there really is no point holding yourself and them up in a battle - just lets those in front get further away and those behind get closer.
That said, I'd likely do exactly the same
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :When I was doing the race reports for ESL I watched the replays over and over, and was amazed at how much you use the look buttons. Constantly glancing to the side while braking is something I would need an extra brain to do I think.

Er, shouldn't you start to use your original brain first before getting an extra one to look to the right? Hehe, just kidding.

Just start doing it. After a while it just becomes second nature to look and take everything in with a quick stab of the look button. I'm the same way as you describe ole Sparky there. I am always looking to the side even though I also use the pitspotter mod. One or two quick clicks of the look can give you all the info you need. I remember in the beginnings of the S2 demo when you couldn't drive a RWD at all and was all over the old CRC forum asking about tips and how-to's on RWD. Now, can you drive them after all this practice? Yea, you sure can .
Probably already here. But if you're passing someone up the inside, you can avoid a switchback by REALLY slowing down when they start to turn back. Then you're in the space they'd use to cut back behind you and they have to slow down even more. As the Eurosport MotoGP commentators would say, "park it"
or they smash into you
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
OK all- seems as though we are laregly done. Would you all like me to pull all this information together into one document? I could structure it better and quote what all of you have been saying. Then, if its up to the right quality, I might be able to get someone to sticky it like my 'Driving Tips' thread. It'll take some time and work is busy but hopefully I can get this done by the end of this week. What do you all think?

Racecraft - The Forgotten Skill
(57 posts, started )