LFS Test Patch 0.7E15
(168 posts, started )
I know your intentions are good but I'm not taking off topic suggestions on this thread.

Please use the suggestions forum section.
Quote from Rubbel_31 :I think after typing /rtex, the texture of the Indicator Glass and headlight glass of some vehicles is not visible. But it comes back after typing /rtex. I know it can be fixed after writing this command, but I still wanted to report the error.

Although it doesn't seem to be a serious issue, I've tried to see why it goes wrong but I can't make it happen so far. I've tried in single player and multiplayer.

I'm not really worried about this as texture loading is handled differently in the new graphics version but if anyone can explain a simple method to make the FZ dash and headlight textures disappear (maybe after typing /rtex or by some other means) then I would look again.
Quote :New filters for drive type (none/RWD/FWD/AWD)
New sort options power/mass/power-weight ratio

Yeah! Great to see new filters on mod page. Filter for tyre types would be nice addition to it.
Test Patch E7:

Tightened main model and wheel limits for mod reports
Unlock screen requires "unlock" to keep any changes
(if already unlocked the unlock count is unaffected)
More translation updates. Thank you translators!

I have tested both 0.7E6 and 0.7E7 and have found some issues.

Problem when connecting to a servers on 0.7E7

On 0.7E6, I didn't have any problems with this, but on 0.7E7, I cannot join on several hosts, including my both own hosts (Sport Racing Team Finland and Sport Racing Team Demo). This problem doesn't happen on every host though.

I can try to reproduce this by looking list of hosts and see any host which don't have any drivers on track, but have 1 connected user. When trying to connect to a host, which have that kind of situation, LFS just permanently states I'm in "Queue position 1".

Those servers that state they have 1 connected user, don't actually have anyone connected.

Application Hang on 0.7E6

Additionally, I might as well report this what happened to me when using 0.7E6 yesterday. When using UFO 51 mod at Blackwood Car Park X in hot lapping mode (don't ask why Big grin), my game froze when I pressed start button on entry screen. It just stated "Loading track" with entry screen as a background, meaning screen didn't go black. LFS didn't respond to any key presses and I was only able to close it by ending the process entirely via task manager.

Here's my Application Hang
Quote : AppName LFS.exe
ProcessId 0x5894
StartTime 0x1da65c8e2f6b17d
TerminationTime 4294967295
ExeFileName C:\LFS\LFS.exe
ReportId b0cae91c-e0f4-44f1-a988-eda8813775e3
HangType Top level window is idle

Reason why I'm stating this because I haven't had LFS having Application Hang for several years. It just happened on 0.7E6 with mod that has the highest power-to-weight ratio on open configuration. I tried to reproduce it, but with no success. Therefore, I think it was just a coincidence, but worth mentioning since it happened specifically with test patch when using a mod.

Recently introduced bug

Also, could it be possible to fix this recently introduced bug? New "multiple commands on single line" feature contains an unintended bug, which is that if user or AI's name has either "/" or "\" character in its name, you cannot assign any commands, which have parameter [driver name], to that driver. This is because right now, LFS doesn't consider a possibility that driver (or AI) name might contain that character and instead thinks you want to type two (or multiple) commands.

For example: if you try to assign Stop-Go penalty for AI-driver "Tankslacno /8 AI" by typing /p_sg Tankslacno /8 AI, LFS right now thinks you are typing two commands:
1) /p_sg Tankslacno and
2) /8 AI

This only happens in-game; it works normally when assigning commands via Virtual Console on control panel of LFS Hosts. Additionally, you can work around with this by typing username instead, though it's not a solution when dealing with AI-drivers that have that aforementioned character in their name.
Quote from tankslacno :Problem when connecting to a servers on 0.7E7

On 0.7E6, I didn't have any problems with this, but on 0.7E7, I cannot join on several hosts, including my both own hosts (Sport Racing Team Finland and Sport Racing Team Demo). This problem doesn't happen on every host though.

I can try to reproduce this by looking list of hosts and see any host which don't have any drivers on track, but have 1 connected user. When trying to connect to a host, which have that kind of situation, LFS just permanently states I'm in "Queue position 1".

This is not related to E6 or E7, all hosts simply get to that state after 49.7 days.

I have a fix but it's not released.
Small translation error (missing space) in German.txt of version 0.7E7:

3h_res_head 3- Scheinwerfer

Should be
3h_res_head 3 - Scheinwerfer

Thank you, I've fixed that for the next update.
Now i know i'm really close to LOD1 limit but i'd like to know how this happened

Stock config which is closest to limit is the biggest one:

I've reuploaded it again, but not sure if that's gonna happen again or not and what was the cause for it.
Thanks, I agree this shouldn't have happened but I have a hunch why it did. I've made sure this can't happen again right now and I also have a longer term solution to implement today.

My main concern in this case is the loss of ratings but I'll have a look at that too to try and understand it.
Ratings seems to be fine in-game, its only website not showing them correctly. I assume someone raited after reupload so main raiting is back on website except for other ones.
I'm not sure, but in the original version of LFS, our license information shown before connecting to a server was colored. My license was S3 and that part was red. That's how I remember it. Sorry if I'm wrong. Additionally, there are some issues that are not related to the test patch. I have seen untranslated or incomplete Turkish translations. Can we inform you about these here?
allow regional dowlands = bölgesel yaylalara izin ver
full physics for remote cars = uzak arabalar için tam fizik
extra status info = ekstra durum bilgisi
prevent clipping (experimental) = kırpmayı önleme (deneysel)

too many clicks - wait ** secs = çok fazla tıklama - ** saniye bekleyin
technical error = teknik hata

I shared with you the texts in the game that have not been translated into Turkish. The first 4 texts are translations found in the game settings.

The last two texts are the texts that appear when we want to create a server (the error that occurs when trying to log in to a server from the server list more than once)
Quote from Drifteris :Ratings seems to be fine in-game, its only website not showing them correctly. I assume someone raited after reupload so main raiting is back on website except for other ones.

Yes, I confirm the ratings are updated again when clicked. So they are not lost and the only problem is the processed ratings not appearing when the mod is republished after unpublishing.

Quote from RealistAdam :translations

Thank you for trying to help but I can't really take on translation duties. Even though I quickly fixed a typo in the German translation, I can't be responsible for translation updates.

Please can you try to contact the Turkish translators?
You can see them listed here: https://www.lfs.net/lfs_translate/public_translation_viewer.php?lang=Turkish
And maybe you can talk to some of them in the translation section: https://www.lfs.net/forum/28-Language-Packs
Regarding translation, there is
3a_rtiosort "ratio" which I assume means power-to-weight-ratio.
To me, just "ratio" seems a bit vague/confusing because it raises the question "Ratio between what numbers?"
Maybe it is clear from the context of the GUI.
"power-to-weight-ratio" would be self-explaining but it is a long word.

German translation would be "Leistungsgewicht" which I believe is the correct technical term and has a clear meaning.
However it does not fit by one letter. Uhmm
Now I put "Verhältnis" (="ratio") but in german that sounds even more vague to me than the english version.
Just a couple of suggestions:

Probably total fail but how about "MLV" for "Masse-Leistungs-Verhältnis" https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leistungsgewicht

Or maybe something like L/G or W/kg?

It's on such a small button on the mods screen, it can't be given too much importance.
Nice work Scawen! Looking forward to these optimisations. Keep up the good work! Good to see that you've also updated the insim.txt headers, i've been using those exstensively in the past.
Updates to support approved mods in Test Patch E8. Please give thoughtful ratings to unapproved mods, or make comments on their threads to help them reach approved status.

Support for approved mods:

Tick (aka check mark) is shown in mods screen for approved mods
- also TW is shown for tweak mods and padlock for private mods
An 'external link icon' is visible when two columns are displayed
Rating stars pulsate in garage if you have not yet rated the mod


NLP/MCI packets are no longer sent after clicking replay slider
- also not sent after IS_RIP unless RIPOPT_FULL_PHYS is set

Quote from Scawen :padlock for private mods

Are private mods only shown for people allowed to use them and reviewers?
The mods screen in game isn't different for reviewers (we don't see private mods unless we have permission).

So for everyone, on the mods screen you will only see a padlock if it is your own private mod or someone else's private mod and you have permission to use it.
Ah okay, I just got worried for a second when I saw these mods by HOUSSEM.221B - he must've added me to the list of users with access then. Can you confirm that is the case and not a bug?
Attached images
Funny, I can see 6 of his BAVARIA cars. Big grin

But I don't (yet) have a way to view the list of allowed users per mod. Uhmm
no its not a bug i added u guys since mods where published, im trying to perfect the physics and stock setup, it takes long time to do Smile i dont mind to add you guys to all of mods i have if its necessary.
I hated bavarias until I drove Houssem's, he builds them by the book as much as he can and they handle amazing. Just try them.
Top job. Houssem president.

LFS Test Patch 0.7E15
(168 posts, started )