The online racing simulator
VM.Infected Gamemode
Hello ,

VM (Velocity Motorsports) is proud to announce their latest addition to their servers, VM.Infected.

This server is powered by an script created in LFSLapper that simulates a gamemode: Infected
In this game mode, your goal is to survive from the infected players by hiding or running until the timer ends.
The first infected player will randomly chosen by inSim.

The layouts keeps the area limited for more fun and action.

The results and feedback during the tests with the VM members and other guests were amazing.
We've chosen to create a server, that runs the gamemode 24/7.
Keep in mind that the gamemode is still under development and will be updated with more features and layouts

Server: VM.Infected

  • Limited area on tracks for more fun and action
  • All (modded) vehicles are allowed (Choose wisefully)
  • Limited playerstats as this will be updated in future updates.
More information can be found on the server.

Velocity Motorsports Website

Velocity Motorsports Discord

Attached images
Insim Gamemode update

VM.Infected gamemode V0.4

Add: Playerstats : JoinedGames
Add: Playerstats : Times Survived

Update: !stats command: added the two new Playerstats Variables
Update: !help : added the two new Playerstats Variables

Fix: UserData file were filled with empty line after insim reboot
Fix: Minor Button misplacement
Fix: Couldn't drive away because of the falsestarts after a racerestart
Fix: GameMode didn't reset after last player left the race/game.

I have an improved map for your server. One building has been added with an entrance to the roof, where there is a ramp. Everything has been done aesthetically and if you want, add this improvement to the server.
Attached files
BL1X_forlfs.lyt - 7.5 KB - 103 views
Thank you for the layout, we will check it out.Smile

The changes has been accepted and loaded on our server, thank you
New update.

VM.Infected gamemode V0.5

Add: List of survivors
Add: DistanceMeter for the infected in the survivorlist behind the playernames.
Add: Groupchat for survivors and infected !gc or !c <message> (auto detection by insim)
Add: Carlist command (admin only) !list <nameoflist> to allow curtain LFS default car and/or modded vehicles
Add: Infected may use the ingame siren to scare the surivors even more. /siren=off/slow/fast

Update: Changed "Get Ready Timer" from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
Update: Join as an infected when joining mid-game
Update: Changed instructions in helpmenu
Update: Changed Instructions in welcomes window
Update: "Player infected player" message is now a host message (this can be used in replays)

Fix: Double infected players after Drive Away timer has been completed.
Fix: Fix attempt on Callback functions not executing due to invalid userstats.
Fix: "Total Drivers on Track" counter wasn't accurate when leaving the game (pit/spec/disconnect)
Fix: Minor code mess , jup minor xD

Quote from Bass-Driver :Thank you for the layout, we will check it out.Smile

The changes has been accepted and loaded on our server, thank you

thank you very much for this
New Infected Gamemode Update

A new feature has been added to the Infected Gamemode, to make the gamemode a bit more interesting.
The Survivors may spawn objects as a trap for the infected while being chased. These objects are not static and not solid.
The survivors can choose between 8 different objects such as Bales,Tyres,Railing etc. The command for this is !t1 - !t8.

After the object has been spawned, it will be removed automatically after 5 seconds.
The Survivor may spawn a another objects after a 45 sec cooldown. The player will get a notification when the cooldowntimer is over.

Server: VM.Infected

VM.Infected gamemode V0.6.0

Add: Spawn Trapitems for the infected chasing you
-8 Different types of objects such as: Tyres,Bales,Signs
-Commands: !t1 - !t8
-Spawned object will be removed after 5 seconds, this is done by insim automatically
-45 seconds cooldown timer after each spawned object.

Changed: Infected gamemode will be disabled after insimreboot, admins need to type !ion to enable it again.
Changed: More commands has been added to the list of admincommands.

Fix: Textbutton on tophud was slightly misaligned
Fix: Possible to start the game with 1 player on the track.

New Infected Gamemode Update:

After keeping this LFSLapper script aside for a long time, it was time to update this script again.

An Adminpanel has been created to control the server a little bit easier for the admins.
New a new feature has been added to have actual rounds during an event.

Server: VM.Infected

VM.Infected gamemode V0.7.0

New: Adminmenu (Admin/Host) Will be updated in the future with more features.
-Change roundtimer
-Change Cars / Preset Carlists
-Simple Player Management (kick/ban/warn)
-Turn on/off Game RestartTimer
-Gameround Settings.

New: Gamerounds Funcionality (Admin/Host)
-Set 1 to 40 rounds
-Edit (Textfile) with vehicles and roundtimer for each round.
-Edit list (Textfile) and load without rebooting insim.
-Auto Load next round config (toggle on/off in adminpanel)
-Rounds will reset/disable after last round ends.

New: Gamerestart timer
New: Player may use command !ri to delete their trapitem.
New: Admins may use command !rat to delete all trapitems.
New: Admins may use !nextround (!rn) to load the next round config ( If list is available, otherwise it wont keep the current config)

Update: [Helpmenu] Stats
-Added driven distance as a survivor
-Added driven distance as infected
-Added Trapitem used

Update: Insim will delete all trapitems after the game, that hasn't been deleted automatically.

New infected Gamemode update

it contains a few adminpanel modifications.

Infected Gamemode V0.7.1 (15-02-2025)
Adminpanel Updates:
Add: Logging
-Adminpanel access
-Admin warn/kick/ban players
-Connected players

Add: Dashboard
-Last 10 connected players
-Number of joined player for current day
-Number of Unique joined players ( counting userstats files)

Edit: List of Players, when you click on a playerbutton
-Total joined server counter
-Total kick counter
-Total warned counter

Edit: Round Configurations
- Choose between 4 configs (if set)
- Edit the RoundTimer and Vehicles for each round
- Save and rewrite current Config with the new config.
- Scroll Functions.

-Track/Lyt editing will be blocked for now.

VM.Infected Gamemode
(9 posts, started )