The online racing simulator
MRc E-Challenge 2024: Rules

MRc E-Challenge 2024 - Rules

Attached are the rules for the MRc E-Challenge 2024. Please review them. The NDR Sporting Code is in effect with this series.
Attached files
ECH_Rulebook_2024Rev2.pdf - 129.4 KB - 129 views
I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but I will seek clarification for everyone's benefit


XII.1 Each race session will afford drivers two activations of Attack Boost Modem, each activation lasting four (4) minutes

XII.3 Failure to use the Attack Boost will be penalized after the race with added time.


Am I correct to infer that every driver MUST use the attack boost twice (no more than two times, no fewer than two times) in BOTH the sprint race and the feature race? ... In other words, I must use it twice in the sprint, and I must use it twice in the feature.

Also, is my interpenetration still correct if the race becomes wet. Last year, when the track became wet, the boost requirement went away. I do not see a rule to that effect in the 2024 rule book.
I hope this question isn't too obvious. I am aware of my lack of race experience. Shy

I read up on safety car and virtual safety car, to find out the speed limits.

I think under real safety car there is no speed limit, it's more like drive safely and no overtaking unless directed.

Under virtual safety car I read in the NDR Sporting Code that the standard speed limit is 100 km/h, but may be specified differently for an event. For some reason I had thought the speed limiter could be used but that isn't the case if the limit is 100.

EDIT: So my question is what is the VSC speed limit in this event? Smile
Quote from jmeade :I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but I will seek clarification for...

You are correct that each driver MUST activate the attack boost X times per race.

However, we will be issuing Rev 2 of the rules shortly to the following effect
Sprint race you MUST activate 1 time
Feature race you MUST activate 2 times

Yes, even if wet, the correct number of activations per race must be met. Previously I believe it was a limitation of the tire compound and the way they interacted with the bumps of the old attack zone. We wont have the same limitation this time. Maikl can correct me if I am wrong on that part.

While we are working on Rev 2, we will review the wording of that section to help clarification of them.

Hope this helps.
Quote from Scawen :I hope this question isn't too obvious. I am aware of my lack of race...

You are correct, there is no speed limit under safety car but as you say, it is up to each driver to drive in a safe manner, with no overtaking unless instructed to do so.

For VSC in E-Challenge our default will usually be 80kph to coincide with the pit limit.
Quote from Jonathon.provost :Previously I believe it was a limitation of the tire compound and the way they interacted with the bumps of the old attack zone. We wont have the same limitation this time. Maikl can correct me if I am wrong on that part.

The major issue with the attack boost gimmick was that while it was mildly challenging to keep the car straight on the boost strip with slicks, it was nearly impossible to do the same with road tyres. Hence we dropped the rule about mandatory use in wet, as it would screw up all those who had to yet to use some when the rain has started. But since issue is no longer there with different power modes, the rule is no longer needed.
Revision 2 of the regulations has been posted with the OP. Changes marked in red.

Some language fixes to try to clarify some procedures.

Attack Mode usage reduced to 1 in the Sprint Race. Remains 2 in the Feature Race.

Added a regulation that a season-long briefing must be read and confirmed that it was read - that briefing will be posted in the next 24 hours.