The online racing simulator
Modifier key for throttle/brake
It is not very nice that for players playing on mouse or keyboard, the throttle and brake work on/off.
I propose to add, a modifier key: When pressing the throttle with the modifier key, the throttle will be opened to maximum, and without it - to 50%. I think this would improve gameplay for keyboard and mouse players. And maybe add a throttle force setting on the mouse wheel, or on the keyboard keys
Quote from oWoKesha :...

It's a way different approach than the one suggested, but there is a similar setting, you could try it out "Settings -> Controls -> Button Control Rate. Try values 2.00 and 10.00 to see the difference.
Quote from r3zp3k7 :It's a way different approach than the one suggested, but there is a similar...

I know there is such a function you wrote about. It changes the pedal speed, the throttle and brake also work on/off.