The online racing simulator
#1 - Ducee
Bushy park national circuit in barbados
Is it possible that anyone can create .? I think it'd be a nice circuit track for some racing but also drifting , it's a nice layout in my opinion so I'd like to know if it'd be possible it could be done
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Is it possible: with the use of a layout editor, maybe. Will anyone invest time to make it: no.
#3 - Ducee
Quote from rane_nbg :Is it possible: with the use of a layout editor, maybe. Will anyone invest time...

Ohkay, that's understandable If I knew how to I would but ohkay
I've made an extremely rough layout that's about the right dimensions.

Just placed objects by hand/eye by constantly comparing to google maps image of track.

Placed tyres as edges of track, but had to add lines and barriers when I tried to drive it, as there was just a forest of tyres so you couldn't see where you were going.

You can take the attached rough layout and tidy up as you like.

Enjoy! Smile
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LA1 Bushy Park Rough.png
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LA2X_Barbados Bushy Park Rough.lyt - 9.4 KB - 78 views
#6 - Ducee
Quote from sinanju :I've made an extremely rough layout that's about the right dimensions...

thank you so much this was a big help and ill start working on it and upload agin onced finished may take some time because of the elevation changes but ill review and try to make it s accutate as possible... God bless you