The online racing simulator
Advice on test servers
(12 posts, started )
Advice on test servers

Recently 0.7E12 was released. We need to download the test patch to join the server with version 0.7E12.

There will be players who do not know how to use the forum or who see it as a waste of time.

I have a small suggestion for the 0.7F version, which is planned to be released soon.

It is necessary to install the test patch to enter the server, which is currently version 0.7E12. I think the game should download this patch itself. For example, when official versions are released, when we click list servers, we download the pacth file of the new version. With the same logic, when we want to enter the server, the pacth file should be downloaded. Of course, we will offer players options. If he doesn't want to download it, he can back out.

Those who have different thoughts or comments can share.
It doesn't make sense to autodownload test patches in my opinion, precisely because they are for testing stuff.
It is for testing purposes anyway, but in order to enter 7E12 servers now, it is necessary to install the 7E12 test patch. It would be very useful to provide a download option at the server login so that players can easily download the test patch.

How will testing be done if no one downloads the test patch? How will servers that specifically require test patches be tested? This test cannot be performed with 3-5 people.
Since I already had patched 0.7E11 lfs, it did offer me online right away to download new 0.7E12 patch, However, As I came to know this is not the case if one has the official 0.7E lfs. It's fine in most cases, except now where 0.7E lfs is not compatible with 0.7E12 lfs servers.

Still, I think no actions are needed here. We expect 0.7F official to be released soon, so no big deal in this short transition period.
I guess I didn't express myself correctly. Most players use the normal version. It tells a player using a test patch that a new patch has already been released and asks if they want to install the patch.

Look, there are a few rental servers in the photo. 7E12 is required to enter these servers. Server owners willingly make their own servers 7E12.

A player on the original version cannot join the 7E12 servers. With 7F, players must be told to download the patch and given the option when entering servers that require a test patch.

I don't think they can bring it right now anyway. But if it came, 3 people would not test the 7E12 test patch. More players would test and better data could be covered. Out of 200 players, 3 people are on 7E12 test servers and I really don't know if this is good or bad. My goal here is to help developers. (Of course, it is open in version 7E12 on my own server. This is just a suggestion, it is necessary for the right decision of the developer team.)

If players not invested in forums would be to download the test patch, than there would be no benefit as they'd not make a proper reports on the forums when bug spotted. So you'd have possibly higher test patch players count, but no higher value out of it.

Althought, since this test patch schema has developed for 1,5year or so? (I dunno if there have been test patches done before D48), it would be reasonable to call for an industry schema adapted to such pattern: the beta and stable channels choosen in the app settings, for the convinence of test patchers mostly, of not haveing to copy-paste http downloaded binaries themselfs like some cavemans. Althought, it still has an benefit of limiting the beta testers to a cappable group of people who can do it without any convieniences in this matter, given so, it's most likely to stay this way.

What I don't like is servers registered in official events system mandating the test versions, as it forces all this current inconvienience into not designated group, just defeating the purpose of my whole paragraph above. But than again, it would be self-solvable by players refusing to enter such an event, but as proven here and there, lfs playerbase will catch every bait. (might be the reason why it also has astonishing amount of stolen accounts wandering around lfs oriented discords, lol)
So as expected, it's a scheme that existed for such long time, nobody bothers to leverage it into industry standard now.
As a result, many players with S3 licenses installed the E12 test patch. I know why some servers are switching to this. But as I said, servers that require test patches may be our favorite servers. Players may receive errors. They already report this to us or the forum. Anyway, this issue is not open to discussion. By the way, the new test patch is really successful. Thanks @Scawen . We were forced to leave the E12 test patch.
For some reason, I find it hard to understand this thread.

As far as as I understand, a test patch has been released and several servers have updated to it. This is forcing people to update to a test patch (if they want to keep playing). Is that the issue?
i guess ye, ultimately it's up to the server owner whether they decide to update or not though.

i think part of the issue is that the e12 thread was buried in vehicle mods subforum for a long time for some reason.
The test patch forum was opened and the thread moved there at the same time that the E12 server became available.

The test patch thread was originally in the mods section because the earlier test patches were primarily about changes related to mods. This is fairly obvious if you look at the change log.

So then we didn't really need a whole forum section dedicated to a test patch that was all about mods.

Just recently some updates on the host side have required an updated client version. That point I delayed as much as possible, but now we are near the end of the life cycle of this test patch, so things need to be tested.

It does raise the question about making E12 'official' in the sense that it could be automatically downloaded by E clients using the auto updater. Some people might say that is a no-brainer, in the sense that it would be a good idea to provide more frequent updates like that. Maybe they are right, I'm not sure. We haven't done that before. Official updates have always come with an announcement and a new full version. This method has worked for us for many years. Roughly 20 years, I guess.

Either way, it probably would make more sense to use a better installer instead of the self-extracting archive that has served us quite well up to now. But I understand we are moving into an era where many people own a PC and play games but are confused about simply moving a file into a known location on their computer. This can seem hilarious to those of us who have used PCs since the days of MS-DOS. Big grin But I do understand the convenience of the proper installer and I am looking into that a bit.

Advice on test servers
(12 posts, started )